化工进展 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (9): 5145-5155.DOI: 10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2021-0395
刘安仓1(), 陈川2, 陈建忠1, 陈裕忠1, 朱晨亮1, 江永1, 鲁福身2, 王双喜2, 钟子宜3, 宋一兵2(
LIU Ancang1(), CHEN Chuan2, CHEN Jianzhong1, CHEN Yuzhong1, ZHU Chenliang1, JIANG Yong1, LU Fushen2, WANG Shuangxi2, ZHONG Ziyi3, SONG Yibing2(
SONG Yibing
刘安仓, 陈川, 陈建忠, 陈裕忠, 朱晨亮, 江永, 鲁福身, 王双喜, 钟子宜, 宋一兵. 催化反应技术在滨海电厂的CO2资源化利用和海洋防污领域的应用[J]. 化工进展, 2021, 40(9): 5145-5155.
LIU Ancang, CHEN Chuan, CHEN Jianzhong, CHEN Yuzhong, ZHU Chenliang, JIANG Yong, LU Fushen, WANG Shuangxi, ZHONG Ziyi, SONG Yibing. Application of catalytic reaction for CO2 resource utilization and marine antifouling in coastal power plants[J]. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2021, 40(9): 5145-5155.
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