化工进展 ›› 2023, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (11): 6102-6112.DOI: 10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2023-0009

• 资源与环境化工 • 上一篇    


闫博引(), 韩春宇, 夏晶晶, 王松雪, 武桂芝, 夏文香, 李金成()   

  1. 青岛理工大学环境与市政工程学院,山东 青岛 266033
  • 收稿日期:2023-01-04 修回日期:2023-02-09 出版日期:2023-11-20 发布日期:2023-12-15
  • 通讯作者: 李金成
  • 作者简介:闫博引(1992—),女,博士,副教授,研究方向为水质净化技术。Email:hit_yanby@126.com
  • 基金资助:

Comparative investigation of gemfibrozil degradation by UV/H2O2 and UV/NaClO processes

YAN Boyin(), HAN Chunyu, XIA Jingjing, WANG Songxue, WU Guizhi, XIA Wenxiang, LI Jincheng()   

  1. School of Environmental and Municipal Engineering, Qingdao University of Technology, Qingdao 266033, Shandong, China
  • Received:2023-01-04 Revised:2023-02-09 Online:2023-11-20 Published:2023-12-15
  • Contact: LI Jincheng



关键词: 自由基, 紫外/过氧化氢, 紫外/次氯酸钠, 高级氧化, 降解路径, 反应动力学


The degradation of gemfibrozil (GEM) by UV/H2O2 and UV/NaClO processes was comparatively evaluated. Both advanced oxidation systems can effectively degrade GEM. Compared with UV/H2O2 system, the degradation rate of GEM in UV/NaClO system was faster. In UV/H2O2 and UV/NaClO systems, the degradation rate of the target increased with the increase of oxidant concentrations. Because pH could affect the oxidation capacity of ‧OH and the composition ratio of free radicals in UV/NaClO system, the pH of the solutions had a significant impact on both systems. When pH was increased from 5 to 11, the kobs in UV/H2O2 and UV/NaClO decreased from 0.2115min-1 and 1.3115min-1 to 0.1064min-1 and 0.2283min-1, respectively. Cl- and HCO3- can slightly accelerate the degradation of GEM in UV/NaClO system, but slightly slow down the degradation of GEM in UV/H2O2 system. HA can inhibit GEM degradation in both systems through competition and filter effect. Because the molar absorption coefficient of HClO/ClO- was higher than H2O2, HA had less inhibitory effect on GEM degradation in UV/NaClO system compared with UV/H2O2 system. The main oxidation species degrading GEM in UV/NaClO system were ‧OH and Cl‧. The degradation path of GEM in both systems mainly included hydroxylation, demethylation, H-extraction and C—O bond breakage steps. In terms of economic benefits, UV/NaClO system was more cost-effective than UV/H2O2 system.

Key words: radical, UV/H2O2, UV/NaClO, advanced oxidation, degradation path, reaction kinetics


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