化工进展 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (7): 4089-4101.DOI: 10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2023-1874

• 资源与环境化工 • 上一篇    


刘世达(), 侯栓弟, 刘忠生   

  1. 中石化(大连)石油化工研究院有限公司,辽宁 大连 116045
  • 收稿日期:2023-10-24 修回日期:2024-03-27 出版日期:2024-07-10 发布日期:2024-08-14
  • 通讯作者: 刘世达
  • 作者简介:刘世达(1987—),男,博士,副研究员,研究方向为石化废气治理。E-mail:liushida.fshy@sinopec.com
  • 基金资助:

Comparative study, prospects, and suggestions of air pollutant control standards related to the petrochemical industry source between China and the United States

LIU Shida(), HOU Shuandi, LIU Zhongsheng   

  1. Sinopec (Dalian) Petrochemical Research Institute Co. , Ltd. , Dalian 116045, Liaoning, China
  • Received:2023-10-24 Revised:2024-03-27 Online:2024-07-10 Published:2024-08-14
  • Contact: LIU Shida


在新能源快速发展和“双碳”目标背景下,长期来看我国化石能源空气污染物排放将大幅度减少,但2030年之前,我国需要治理的煤炭、石油等传统化石能源空气污染物排放量仍会增加,我国可能升级与石化烟气和挥发性有机物(VOCs)排放相关的空气质量标准和污染物排放标准政策。本文指出:美国环保标准政策对我国今后制修订标准政策仍有参考意义,建议我国针对各种烟气和VOCs排放源,进一步建立或完善污染物排放量大小判据,抓大放小;在制定严于美国标准的控制指标时应依托成熟可靠技术,高度重视标准政策的时效性、相对稳定性和地域性;建议研究论证在生态环境部《重污染天气重点行业应急减排技术指南》中增加燃煤电厂等烟气中可凝结颗粒物排放控制指标的可行性;如果要进一步提高石化VOCs排放标准政策,建议将有机液体储罐列为优先管控对象;建议将油气田作为石化行业甲烷排放管控重点,研究在重污染天气通过干涉大气阴阳离子组成来减轻或尽快结束重污染天气过程。在对GB 31570—2015(石油炼制工业污染物排放标准)、GB 31571—2015(石油化学工业污染物排放标准)、GB 31572—2015(合成树脂工业污染物排放标准)这3项污染物排放标准修订时,建议:①原则上修订内容应使污染物排放总量减少;②参考美国标准中术语定义和分析方法,将我国标准中的非甲烷总烃修改为总有机化合物(TOC),TOC不包括甲烷、乙烷;③将GB 31570—2015表4、GB 31571—2015表5中废水处理有机废气处理装置污染物项目非甲烷总烃修改为TOC,TOC≤60mg/m3;④将GB 31570—2015表4、GB 31571—2015表5中有机废气排放口的非甲烷总烃去除率≥97%修改为TOC去除率≥99%,或者TOC浓度 ≤60mg/m3;GB 31570—2015表4中增加苯≤4mg/m3、甲苯≤15mg/m3、二甲苯≤20mg/m3控制指标;⑤取消有机废气排放口大气污染物排放浓度的氧浓度折算。

关键词: 石化, 污染, 排放标准, 空气质量标准, 烟道气, 挥发性有机物, 可凝结颗粒物


Under the rapid development of new energy and the prospect of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals, it is expected that China's fossil energy air pollutant emissions will be greatly reduced in the long term. But before 2030, the amount of traditional fossil energy air pollutant emissions that need to be addressed in China is still projected to increase. To address this issue, it is strongly advised to revise the existing air quality standards and pollutant emission standards policies, specifically the ones concerning the release of pollutants from petrochemical flue gas and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). This proactive approach is essential to ensure effective control and mitigation of air pollution as part of China’s broader sustainability agenda. The environmental standards and policies of the United States serve as valuable references for China’s future revision on relevant standards. It is advisable for China to establish new criteria and improve the existing ones for pollutant emissions based on the sources of VOCs, emphasizing the reduction of large emissions while relaxing control over smaller ones. Also, it is important to rely on mature technologies, prioritizing the timeliness, relative stability, and regional applicability of standard policies, while formulating stringent emission standards. Meanwhile, it is suggested that a feasibility analysis should be included in the "Guide of Emergency Emission Reduction Technology" regarding the condensable particulate emissions from coal-fired power plants. To further reinforce stringent standards regarding the emission of VOCs from industrial petrochemical production process, we need to give precedence to the regulation of organic liquid storage tanks. Additionally, it is imperative to prioritizing the management of methane emissions in oil and gas fields within the petrochemical industry. Also, academic investigation ought to be conducted to explore potential interventions targeting the manipulation of positive and negative ions during heavy pollution weather, with the objective of mitigating adverse weather conditions. When revising the pollutant emission standards of GB 31570—2015 (emission standard of pollutants for petroleum refining industry), GB 31571—2015 (emission standard of pollutants for petrochemical industry), and GB 31572—2015 (emission standard of pollutants for synthetic resin industry), several bullet points are suggested as below: ①The total emission volume of pollutants should be reduced in the revised version of pollutant emission standards. ②As referred to the terminology definition and analysis method in the U.S. standards, we should modify the term “non-methane total hydrocarbons” in Chinese standards to “total organic compounds” (TOC) without taking methane and ethane into accounts. ③In order to conform to the provisions outlined in Table 4 of GB 31570—2015 and Table 5 of GB 31571—2015 for organic waste gas treatment devices in wastewater treatment facilities, it is recommended to replace the term “non-methane total hydrocarbons” with “TOC” and establish a maximum threshold of 60mg/m3. ④Modifying the removal efficiency of “non-methane total hydrocarbons”“emitted by the organic waste gas in Table 4 of GB 31570—2015 and Table 5 of GB 31571—2015 to ”TOC removal efficiency of ≥99%“or alternatively, stipulating a maximum permissible”TOC concentration of ≤60mg/m3). Also, it has taken the control indicators for benzene (≤4mg/m3), toluene (≤15mg/m3), and xylene (≤20mg/m3) into accounts as listed in Table 4 of GB 31570—2015. ⑤Eliminating the oxygen conversion factor of atmospheric pollutant emission concentrations from organic waste gas emission outlets.

Key words: petrochemical, pollution, emission standards, air quality standards, flue gas, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), condensable particulate


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