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05 August 2019, Volume 38 Issue 08
    Invited review
    Industry impact and countermeasures for the promotion and application of sustainable aviation biofuel
    Hao HE,Ziheng XING,Dingjie LI,Jia ZHANG,Jiaren ZHANG,Ling WANG
    2019, 38(08):  3497-3507.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2019-0025
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    In order to ensure the sustainable development of the air transport industry and achieve the greenhouse gas reduction targets, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has adopted the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA). ICAO has planned to enforce a series of implementation and certification standards under CORSIA framework, which would have a significant impact on China’s civil aviation transport, fossil aviation turbine fuel production and application of aviation biofuel (i.e. Bio-SPK) technology development. In view of this new trend, this paper gives an overview of CORSIA and summarizes the basic framework of CORSIA sustainability criteria for sustainable aviation fuels. Then this review briefly introduces the recent progress in the large-scale application of sustainable Bio-SPK in China and abroad. It is analyzed further what potential impacts would be on the related major industries in China. The countermeasures and development suggestions about the CORSIA and promotion of sustainable Bio-SPK are put forward based on the above ones. It is pointed out that sustainable Bio-SPK have become the most important measure to address the global climate change, as well as a fundamental way to realize greenhouse gas reduction targets for China's civil aviation industry. This conclusion shows that China should speed up to develop the national standards and specifications equal to CORSIA sustainability criteria and work together to deal with international negotiations. It is also proposed that China should accelerate the construction and operation of demo-plants for Bio-SPK production, and that all parties of the whole chain have to cooperate with each other to build up a full supply chain including “raw materials-refining-transportation-refueling-application”.

    Chemical processes and equipment
    A review on the microfabrication of ceramic microreactors
    Runyang LIU,Tinggui YAN,Ting ZHANG,Mengkui TIAN
    2019, 38(08):  3508-3516.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2106
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    The microchannel of the microreactor enables it to have high efficient mass and heat transfer, which can strengthen the reaction process. With the development of micromachining technology, the ceramic microreactors with the advantages of overcoming high temperature and chemical resistance have been processed, which can be applied to more severe reaction conditions. However, ceramic microreactors need complicated producting process. In this paper, the microfabrication of different materials was mainly introduced. The conventional microfabrication technology and the new microfabrication technology were discussed in detail, which improve the microfabrication of the microchannels. At the same time, the sealed connection methods of ceramic microchannels were briefly listed, and their characteristics and application ranges were summarized. It was proposed to focus on the qualified rate of ceramic microreactors and the development of new technology in the future study. The performance of ceramic microreactors should be improved, and expands the application range of ceramic microreactors.

    Flow boiling heat transfer enhancement in microchannelsunder needle electrode
    Xiaoping LUO,Chaoyong ZHANG,Jinxin ZHANG,Feng GUO
    2019, 38(08):  3517-3524.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-1965
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    To investigate the effect of electric field on flow boiling heat transfer in microchannels, a needle electrode arrangement was designed to introduce the electric field into the microchannels with designed capacity of system pressure at 140kPa and inlet temperature at 32.5℃ by using the refrigerant R141b as the experimental working fluid. The experimental results indicated that the electric field has a significant effect on the flow boiling heat transfer of the refrigerant R141b in microchannels, promoting onset of nucleate boiling (ONB) and enhancing heat transfer performance. Compared to the condition without electric field, the required superheat at ONB on 250V, 550V, 850V was reduced by 0.6℃, 1.26℃, and 1.78℃ respectively. The electric field can significantly enhance the boiling heat transfer in the downstream region after the ONB point. The local heat transfer coefficient increases with the increase of voltage and the partial boiling heat transfer coefficient increases by as much as 89.7% under the experimental conditions. Three heat transfer models were selected for comparison. It was found that the Sun-Mishima model has the best prediction and the model revised by introducing the voltage parameter U could better predict the experimental value of the heat transfer coefficient under the experimental conditions and the mean absolute error is 12.2%.

    Risk propagation path of cascading fault in chemical process based on edge load distribution in complex network
    Jianbao YUAN,Zheng WANG,Yifan XU,Yanxia YANG,Xiaoping JIA,Fang WANG
    2019, 38(08):  3525-3533.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2049
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    In this paper, a cascading fault propagation model for chemical process was established based on the theory of edge load distribution in complex networks, to solve the increasingly prominent problem of cascading fault propagation in chemical process. Firstly, the chemical production system network was abstracted into a network model, and the nodes in the network were sorted in order of importance. Secondly, by randomly attacking the nodes in the network and deliberately attacking the nodes with the higher importance, the maximum risk propagation path under the two kinds attack modes was solved. Finally, assuming that the two maximum risk propagation paths have edge load fault, the highest risk of propagation paths under the two attack modes was evaluated according to the cascading failure probability, confirming the high-risk propagation paths. Results showed that this method can effectively determine the fault propagation path and the higher risk path. It provides certain theoretical basis and decision support for preventing the fault propagation in chemical production.

    Mechanisms and fault tree analysis of catalyst loss in fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) unit
    Di WANG,Liqiang SUN,Chaoyu YAN,Yaodong WEI
    2019, 38(08):  3534-3539.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2052
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    Fault analysis of catalyst loss in fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) unit of refinery mostly comes from technicians and field engineers, and there are few reports on fault mechanism. In order to solve this problem, fault tree analysis (FTA) method was used to investigate the mechanism of catalyst loss in FCC unit. Catalyst loss was determined to be top event. FCC unit failure, abnormal operation process and physical properties of catalysts were identified as the intermediate events by combining the pathway and mechanisms of catalyst loss. 21 factors such as flutter valve wear were identified as the bottom events through in-depth analysis step by step. The fault tree model of catalyst loss was established. According to the fault tree risk analysis of FCC unite, it is concluded that any bottom event may lead to top event, and the contribution degree of any of these factors to catalyst loss of FCC unite is the same. The results showed that, FTA method can be used to further understand the causes of catalyst loss in FCC unit, which has guiding significance for investigating the mechanism of catalyst loss in FCC unit. At the same time, the corresponding process of fault determination and the preventive measures of catalyst loss were put forward.

    Waste heat recovery performance from stripping gas in CO2 chemical absorption process by using ceramic membrane
    Qiufang CUI,Liqiang XU,Te TU,Qingyao HE,Shuiping YAN
    2019, 38(08):  3540-3547.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2118
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    In CO2 chemical absorption process, the rich-split technology can be used to recover the waste heat from the hot stripping gas (i.e., the mixture of CO2 and water vapor) for reducing the CO2 regeneration heat consumption. In monoethanolamine (MEA)-based CO2 chemical absorption process adopting the rich-split technology, the hydrophilic nanoporous ceramic membrane was selected as the heat exchanging medium between the cold bypassed CO2-rich MEA solvent and the hot stripping gas for enhancing the waste heat recovery performance through the coupled water and heat transfer. Effects of key operation variables including the flow rate and temperature of bypassed CO2-rich MEA solvent, CO2 loading and MEA mass fraction, the stripping gas flow rate and water vapor molar fraction on the waste heat recovery were investigated in terms of the total heat recovery flux. Additionally, the waste heat recovery performance for the ceramic membranes with different mean pore sizes of ceramic membrane separation layer was also compared in this study. Results showed that the increase of rich MEA solvent flow rate in addition to the reduction of rich MEA solvent temperature can improve the waste heat recovery performance greatly. In addition, the waste heat recovery performance also increases with the stripping gas flow rate and the water vapor molar fraction in the stripping gas. Moreover, the convective heat relevant to the water transfer from the stripping gas to rich MEA solvent can contribute to increasing the waste heat recovery performance, in which the ratio of convective heat is about 10%. Furthermore, the CMHE-10 ceramic membrane has a higher mean pore size of separation layer and overall porosity than the CMHE-4 ceramic membrane, resulting in its higher water transfer flux. However, compared to the CMHE-4 ceramic membrane, the effective thermal conductivity of the CMHE-10 ceramic membrane is lower mainly caused by its higher porosity, resulting in the lower water vapor condensation amount in the membrane tube. Thus, the heat recovery performance of the CMHE-10 ceramic membrane is inferior to the CMHE-4 ceramic membrane.

    Evaporation pressure drop characteristics of R404Ain 5mm microfin tube
    Kuan HE,Jianhua LIU,Liang ZHANG,Xiaoxiao YU
    2019, 38(08):  3548-3555.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2166
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    The characteristics of pressure drop for R404A evaporation in 5mm microfin tube were studied, in order to provide theoretical support for the feasibility of using the small diameter of the heat exchanger in the cold chain. Experimental conditions were saturated temperature 0℃, heat flux 5—25kW/m2, mass flux 200—500kg/(m2·s), vapor quality 0.1—0.9. The results showed that the increase of mass flow rate will not only increase the friction pressure drop, but also change the trend of friction pressure drop changing with vapor quality ahead of time. Heat flux has less influence on the friction pressure drop. The friction pressure drop doer not change and maxinum value appears ahead of time with the enhance of heat flux at vapor quality range from 0.1 to 0.7. Compared with the smooth tube, the friction pressure drop in the microfin tube is higher and the mass flow rate will increase. The increment of frictional pressure drop is increased. The minimum increment appears at vapor quality 0.4,and increase subsequently. The comparison between the experimental data and the theoretical prediction model showed that modified Kim's model can better predict the experimental data. The absolute average deviation is 11.54%. It is presented with 85.23% of predicted points within ±30%.

    Heat transfer and corrosion resistance experiments of thin-wallcurling-welding titanium tube for desalination
    Hongqing LÜ,Xin WANG,Hongkun LIU,Yulei XING,Xu HAN,Chunhua QI,Ke XU,Hua LI
    2019, 38(08):  3556-3561.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2270
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    One type of ?22mm×0.4mm thin-wall welded titanium tube was developed using Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) curling-welding technology. Heat transfer and corrosion resistance experiments on this kind of tube were conducted in the circumstance of practical desalination operating conditions based on the LT-MED pilot scale test platform. Weight loss method was adopted to evaluate the resistance to seawater corrosion of titanium tube. The ?22mm×0.4mm thin-wall welded titanium tube was compared with ?22mm×0.5mm rolled seamless titanium tube in terms of corrosion resistance and service economy. The results indicated that the total heat transfer coefficient of falling film evaporator with thin-wall welded titanium tube would be over 3400W/(m2·K) in the LT-MED experimental conditions, and the thin-wall welded titanium tube had the same excellent corrosion resistance as rolled seamless titanium tube in the operating environment of falling film flow of seawater and high temperature and high humidity corrosion of brine. The annual mean corrosion rate was less than 0.0003mm/a. No pitting corrosion was found at welded seams during the testing process. The utilization requirements validity of thin-wall welded titanium tube for desalination was verified. Comparing with the usual rolled seamless titanium tube, the spread application of thin-wall curling-welding titanium tube in the LT-MED device can greatly decrease investment cost of heat transfer tube by more than 25% under the same heat transfer area. The research results show that thin-wall welded titanium tube have an extensive application prospect in the field of thermal desalination and petrochemical engineering.

    Investigation on granulation and CO2 uptake of Na2CO3-basedsorbent pellets
    Su LEI,Pengxin ZENG,Peng WANG,Luyao ZHANG,Ruixuan YAO,Chuanwen ZHAO,Jian SUN,Yafei GUO,Xiuming ZHU,Ping LU
    2019, 38(08):  3562-3571.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2402
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    Na2CO3-based CO2 sorbent pellets were prepared via extrusion-spheronization method, and whose CO2 capture performance was tested using a self-designed CO2 sorption system. The microstructure, CO2 capture performance and mechanical properties of Na2CO3-based sorbent pellets with different supports and loadings were investigated. The results showed that Na2CO3-based sorbent pellets with different supports exhibited relatively large discrepancy on CO2 capture performance. The alumina-supported sorbent pellet (Na2CO3/Al2O3) possessed the highest CO2 capture capacity of 1.14mmol/g. However, the calcium aluminate cement-supported sorbent pellets (Na2CO3/CA) exhibited the good mechanical properties and inferior CO2 capture performance. Comprehensively considering the CO2 capture performance and mechanical properties, Na2CO3/Al2O3 is the most suitable CO2 sorbent. Moreover, the effect of loading amount of Na2CO3 on performance of Na2CO3/Al2O3 sorbent pellets was further studied. It was found that the microstructure, CO2 capture performance and mechanical properties of Na2CO3/Al2O3 sorbent pellets were closely related to loading amount of NaCO3. Although the pellets loaded with 60% of NaCO3 exhibited the superior mechanical properties and CO2 capture performance, their poor sphericity impeded the practical application. The Na2CO3/Al2O3 sorbent pellets loaded with 40% of NaCO3 exhibited good CO2 capture performance, mechanical properties and sphericity, whose CO2 capture capacity is 1.36mmol/g. Therefore, the Na2CO3-based sorbent pellets prepared via extrusion-spheronization were suitable to be applied for CO2 removal in power plant flue gas due to their good fluidization characteristics, CO2 capture performance and mechanical properties.

    Numerical simulation of methane pyrolysis to acetylene viathermal plasma
    Tianyang LI,Hang AN,Yue LI,Christophe REHMET,Yan CHENG,Yi CHENG
    2019, 38(08):  3572-3582.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2436
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    A numerical model with respect to thermal plasma pyrolysis of methane was established and a numerical study of the plasma and the reaction via the theory of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) was carried out. The arc motion pattern and the characteristics of the fluid field regarding to temperature and velocity distribution inside the reactor were concluded, and further reaction model respectively considering thermodynamic equilibrium and simplified macro-kinetics was individually coupled into the MHD model to show the influence of pyrolysis reaction on plasma arc and the interactions between them. Generally, with pure argon as discharge media, the arc moved in a smooth and steady pattern, whereas the addition of methane would prolong the arc and accelerate the switch of arc-anode-spot. When reaction kinetics was considered, the gradient of temperature was elevated, yet the distribution of species was much more homogeneous due to the rapid diffusion of gas. The instability of arc under pre-mixing strategy was attributed to the pyrolysis reaction and the differences of thermodynamic properties of individual component.

    Effect of new vapor splitter on performance for dividing wall packing column
    Chunli LI,Dongchuan LI,Jingyu LI
    2019, 38(08):  3583-3588.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2454
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    In order to explore the split effect of the innovative vapor splitter in the dividing wall column (DWC) and the influence of the change of the liquid split ratio on the vapor split ratio, a set of cold model experimental system for the DWC with a diameter of 600mm and a height of 5600mm was built. The results showed that in the experimental system, when the liquid split ratio was changed between 1 and 6, the vapor split ratio in the DWC was negatively correlated with the liquid split ratio. That is, the gas flow rate on the side where the liquid spray density increased will decreased, and the vapor split ratio can be reduced from 0.95 to about 0.6, which made the DWC away from the high-efficiency operation zone and seriously affected the mass transfer efficiency in the DWC. When the spray density was 6.27m3/(h·m2), 9.41m3/(h·m2) and 15.68m3/(h·m2), respectively, the vapor splitter exhibited better split effect in the DWC. The gas flow rate on the side where the spray density increased can be increased by adjusting the liquid level height on the vapor splitter, and the vapor split ratio can be adjusted from 0.85 to 1.25, which enhanced the gas-liquid two-phase mass transfer and ensured the efficient operation of the DWC.

    Extraction of lithium from coal gangue by manganese ion sieve adsorption
    Junwei CHENG,Weiguo REN,Jiancheng WANG,Lina HAN,Liping CHANG,Weiren BAO
    2019, 38(08):  3589-3595.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2019-0155
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    Due to the high content of lithium in the Pingshuo coal gangue, it is of great research value to find a suitable lithium extraction method. In this paper, the method of acid leaching with hydrochloric acid is used to dissolve the lithium of coal gangue into the solution, and then the lithium in the solution is adsorbed by a self-made manganese ion sieve to realize the recovery of lithium. The effects of activation ratio, activation temperature, acid leaching temperature, acid leaching volume and acid leaching concentration on lithium leaching rate in coal gangue were investigated. The optimum calcination and leaching conditions were determined by a single controlled variable method to achieve a dissolution rate of lithium of over 79%. Moreover,the effects of temperature and time on the formation of ion sieves were studied. The crystal form and adsorption properties of the ion sieve were characterized by XRD, SEM and ICP-OES. The results showed that the crystalline LiMn2O4 spinel was synthesized by calcination at 800℃ for 15h. The adsorption capacity of the H-type ion sieve reached 24mg/g under the condition of a solution pH of 14 and a solid-liquid ratio of 1∶500. The results of ICP showed that the adsorption rate of lithium in the activated coal gangue acid leaching solution by H-type ion sieve was over 99%.

    Pressure fluctuation analysis of oil-gas two-phase flow inlubricating pipeline
    Qing YE,Jianxin YANG,Yongjiang LI,Zhiyi YU
    2019, 38(08):  3596-3603.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2019-0175
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    During the operation process, there are always bubbles arising in the lubricating oil due to its own dissolution or external entry of air, which will influence its lubricating performances, thus, it’s significant to study the liquid-gas two-phase flow in lubrication systems. To explore the pressure fluctuation characteristics in the flow of lubricating oil with air, an unsteady simulation is carried out with ANSYS_CFX for oil-air two-phase flow in a lubricating pipeline system, and the reliability of the simulation is verified by comparing pressure data of different conditions with the experiment data. It turns out that, at the beginning, the interface between oil and air is destroyed by the disturbance of the flow and air is sucked into the oil to form the oil-gas two-phase flow; the pressure fluctuation at different sections of the pipe and the effects of flux on it are analysed. The results demonstrate that the fluctuation amplitudes of the average pressures on the pipe sections firstly increase and then decrease, along the streamwise direction with the maximum located near the outlet of the pump; the bubbles are broken into continuous and uniform small bubbles by the stirring effect of the pump, which weakens the strike of the flow in the outlet pipe, as a result, the fluctuation amplitude here is relatively small; as the flow rate enlarges, the period of pressure fluctuation decreases and amplitude increases.

    Energy processes and technology
    Progress of the simulation model for power lithium ion battery
    Zhongliang XIAO,Zhenzhen CHI,Liubin SONG,Zhong CAO,Anxian LI
    2019, 38(08):  3604-3611.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2176
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    Lithium-ion batteries have received extensive attention as an excellent power source for new energy electric vehicles, and high-performance lithium-ion batteries are very important to the development of electric vehicles. Numerical simulation technology has overcome the limitations of traditional experiments and greatly promotes the research of lithium-ion batteries. Simulation models can couple multiple chemical reactions and physical fields, making it efficiently to predict the impact of various factors on the battery performance. And the biggest challenge for designing the battery models is to make the simulation results as close as possible to the real situation. Battery thermal model, perspectives of electrical model, the aging model and other models are applied in this paper to compare the simulation results about lithium-ion batteries. Besides, the advantages and disadvantages of each model are outlined. Furthermore, this paper puts forward the future developing trends of simulation: ① to explore the interaction relationship of multiple physical fields; ② to extend the applications of the models; ③ to improve the performance of battery materials and optimize the assembly method and the structure.

    Research progress of reservoirs wettability alteration by using nanofluids for enhancing oil recovery
    Yuan LI,Qinfeng DI,Shuai HUA,Jingnan ZHANG,Feng YE,Wenchang WANG
    2019, 38(08):  3612-3620.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2262
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    The wettability of reservoir rock is very important for oil recovery. In recent years, the application of nanofluids wettability alteration technology in improving oil recovery has received extensive attention and achieved a series of results. This paper first introduced the application of nanofluids in reservoirs wettability alteration, including improving water flooding efficiency and reducing water injection pressure in tight reservoirs. Secondly, the experimental evaluation methods of wettability change were summarized and the factors affecting the wettability alteration of nanofluids were analyzed. The results demonstrated that the nanomaterials properties (type, size, concentration) and formation conditions (temperature, salinity) had different influences on wettability alteration. Then the mechanism of nanofluids changing the wettability of reservoirs was analyzed. We considered it had double mechanism which were nanofluids wetting and spreading as well as adsorption of nanoparticles on rocks. Finally we pointed out the problems and difficulties in using this technology. Future research directions of nanofluids application in EOR were also prospected .

    An effective mechanism connecting the production and marketing of biofuels—RINs
    Xin LIN,Hailong LIN,Guojun YUE
    2019, 38(08):  3621-3630.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2489
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    Based on the history of fuel ethanol domestic and abroad, as well as the experiences gathered during the industry process, it is pointed out, that the implementation of RINs (Renewable Identification Numbers) is key to the widely use of fuel ethanol in the United States, thus to achieve partial substitution of fuels, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and further development of rural areas. The make-up of RINs, its implementation pathway and status in quo were introduced. The crucial points and effects of RINs were described. As the core content of the management mechanism of renewable fuels standard(RFS) in the United States, the RINs runs through the whole industrial chain of renewable fuels from production to marketing. As an approach for both macro-control and economic incentives, RINs can independently form open market, thus guiding the development direction of renewable fuels and promoting the growth of their share in the fuel market, creating a strong impetus for the development of renewable fuel industry. The study tried to analyze the RINs system from both aspects of policy and market, thus to summarize what practices are worth learning, and put forward suggestions for promoting the development of fuel ethanol industry in China. Suggestions include setting support policies conducive to the integration and development of the entire fuel ethanol industry chain; guiding the gradual marketization of fuel ethanol prices, and using policy levers to adjust the relations between supply and demand and thus stimulate consumption; establishing an open and transparent supervision system to ensure the implementation of the policies.

    Migration behavior of nitrogen in chemical-looping gasification reduction process of coal with an iron-based oxygen carrier
    Yankun LI,Jingjing MA,Guozhang CHANG,Xiude HU,Qingjie GUO
    2019, 38(08):  3631-3639.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2198
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    The combined thermo gravimetric-infrared-mass spectrometry (TG-FTIR-MS) analysis was used to conduct chemical-looping gasification experiments of coal under Ar atmosphere, and the mass change and gas composition during pyrolysis stage and steam gasification reaction stage of reduction process were monitored in real time. The surface element analysis of the solid phase was carried out by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, when the change of nitrogen functional groups in the solid phase at different stages of chemical-looping gasification reduction process was investigated. The results showed that the oxygen carrier had an effect on the release of nitrogen-containing gas in different stages of the chemical-looping gasification reduction process. During the pyrolysis stage, the oxygen carrier promoted the generation of free radicals, which accelerated the release of nitrogen-containing gas in a pyrolysis stage. At high temperature, the oxygen carrier favored the conversion of NH3 to HCN, and the addition of the oxygen carrier during the gasification stage reduced the degree of graphitization of the semi-coke and increased the release rate of the nitrogen-containing gas. For the nitrogen functional groups in the solid phase, the oxygen carrier promoted the decomposition and conversion of pyrrole nitrogen in the pyrolysis stage. At high temperature, as the graphitization and ordination degree of semi-coke decreased, the protonated pyridine embedded in coal macromolecules was exposed, the content of protonated pyridine decreased, and the content of pyridine nitrogen and pyrrole nitrogen increased greatly.

    Development and verification of model based on slug flow capturing for high-viscosity oil and gas two-phase flow
    Shuang LI,Yuxing LI,Dongxu WANG,Quan WANG
    2019, 38(08):  3640-3649.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2457
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    Heavy oil, an unconventional fossil fuel with high viscosity is increasingly becoming important due to the rapid depletion of conventional oil fields. The study on high viscosity oil and gas two-phase flow is mainly concentrated in abroad, domestic related researches are still few. A combined model was proposed to capture the initiation and development and calculate hydraulic parameters for high viscosity oil and gas multiphase pipeline. The change of liquid holdup at different times and positions was obtained with the solving of slip velocity equation and liquid continuity equation and by which the initiation and development of the slug were reflected. For obtaining the change of pressure in pipeline, the momentum equation was developed to correlate the liquid holdup and pressure. In closed correlations, the influence of viscosity was added using the slug translational velocity and the interfacial shear stress. Finally, a slug capturing model suitable for high-viscosity oil and gas two-phase flow was developed. The accuracy of the model was verified by data from different sources. The data were derived from the experimental data of foreign researchers and the field data of Daqing Oilfield. The results showed that the model has fine calculation accuracy, the relative errors of most pressure drop calculated were within ±15%, and the relative errors of most slug length calculated were within ±20%.

    Effects of minerals on pyrolysis characteristics of maceralin high-alkali coal
    Shouyi LI,Xiongchao LIN,Beibei LU,Yonggang WANG,Dengyue ZHANG,Yunhui ZHOU
    2019, 38(08):  3650-3657.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2465
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    The fixed bed furnace and thermogravimetric analyzer were used to investigate the pyrolysis characteristics and products distribution of maceral in Shaerhu coal. Furthermore, the influence of acid washing treatment on pyrolysis products and kinetics of Shaerhu coal was also discussed. The vitrinite was enriched in S2 (the densities ranging from 1.4—1.5g/cm3) and the inertinite was enriched in S3 (the densities ranging from >1.5g/cm3) with the floatation experiments. The content of silicate minerals in S3 was more than that in S2. And AAEM (alkali and alkaline earth metals) was existed in soluble form. The results showed that the acid washing of coal could remove most of the minerals, and the residual minerals were mainly quartz, kaolinite and silicate. The release rate of volatiles during the pyrolysis stage was inhibited, while during the secondary degassing stage it was raised in the presence of alkali and alkaline earth metals (AAEM). The release rate of volatiles during the main pyrolysis stage and final weight loss reduced. In this case, the decreasing yield of tar lied in the fact that AAEM was regarded as the cross-linking point for coal macromolecules in pyrolysis. Compared with different macerals, the thermal stability of inertinite group was stronger. The vitrinite group had more alkane side chains, less aromaticity and more susceptible to thermal fracture. The kinetic parameters of coal pyrolysis were obtained by the processing method with Doyle integration.

    Industrial catalysis
    Recent advances in hydrodeoxygenation catalysts for phenols
    Zegang QIU,Chanjuan YIN,Zhiqin LI,Yuekuo FENG
    2019, 38(08):  3658-3669.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-1987
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    Hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) of phenols is an essential process in the conversion of crude oil, coal-based liquid fuel and bio-oil. Catalysts play a key role in this process. The HDO catalysts for phenols include the transition metal sulfides, the reduced metal catalysts, the metal phosphides, carbides and nitrides. Recent research on these catalysts was summarized in terms of the activity, selectivity, stability and catalytic mechanism. The supported CoMoS catalysts and unsupported MoS2 were introduced emphatically as the transition metal sulfides. The crystalline MoS2 had excellent activity and selectivity. The catalysts of the supported non-noble metals (Ni, Mo and Co), noble metals (Rh, Ru, Pd and Pt) and bimetals (NiRu,Ni-Fe,Mo-Pt and Pd-X) were introduced. The performance of different metal catalysts was compared. The catalysts of Ni2P,MoP and CoP supported on SiO2 were introduced as the metal phosphides, among which the Ni2P/SiO2 exhibited the highest catalytic activity and selectivity. In the metal carbides, Mo2C had a high selectivity to the aromatics, while the HDO activity of the Mo2N should be improved. The stability of all catalysts is not good enough. As to the transition metal sulfides, the stability to water should be strengthened. For the reduced metal catalysts, the impurities, especially sulfur, should be considered. The reduced metal catalysts were suggested to be used together with the desulfurization catalysts. In the case of the metal phosphides, more attention should be paid to the carbon deposition and particle agglomeration.

    Effects of Zn on catalytic performances of PtSn/Al2O3 in propane dehydrogenation
    Zhanhua MA,Shuai LI,Aijing JIANG,Jun LI,Lanyi SUN,Changhua AN
    2019, 38(08):  3670-3678.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-1801
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    The PtSn/xZn-Al2O3 catalysts were prepared from platinum-tin carbonyl complexes by impregnation of the precursors on Zn-modified Al2O3 support. The effects of Zn on the catalytic performance of PtSn/Al2O3 catalysts in propane dehydrogenation were investigated. The physical structures, the surface acidities and the carbon deposition behaviors of PtSn/xZn-Al2O3 were studied by several techniques, including N2 adsorption-desorption, X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared spectra of pyridine adsorption (Py-IR), ammonia temperature-programmed desorption (NH3-TPD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results showed that the pore sizes in PtSn/xZn-Al2O3 were mainly distributed between 8nm and 10nm. When Zn was added to PtSn/Al2O3 catalyst, ZnO species were formed, which could promote the metal particles to be smaller and more evenly dispersed on the surface of the catalysts. The acid quantity was reduced after Zn was added, especially for the acid sites with medium and strong Lewis acidity. With the increase of Zn loading, the acid quantity decreased firstly and then increased. The propylene selectivity and the stability of PtSn/Al2O3 catalysts were obviously improved by adding Zn promotor. However, the dehydrogenation activity decreased rapidly when the excess Zn was added. The optimized loading of Zn should be in the range of 0.75%—1.0% (mass fraction). The carbon deposited on the surface of the catalyst was mainly composed of olefin and aromatic hydrocarbons. The presence of Zn promoter could effectively inhibit the formation of deposited coke and improve the stability of the catalysts.

    Effect of Sn on V2O5/Al2O3 catalyst in dehydrogenation of isobutane
    Chengjie XIA,Yang LIU,Ming KE,Qi WANG,Wen LIU,Lei ZHANG
    2019, 38(08):  3679-3687.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-1815
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    The highly dispersed vanadium oxide catalyst (12%V2O5/Al2O3) supported by Al2O3 was prepared by impregnation. The surface properties of 12%V2O5/Al2O3 catalyst were controlled by using Sn as an auxiliary agent. The changes in the dispersion state, acidity, and the valence of active species of the catalyst were studied, and their influences on the dehydrogenation activity and stability of isobutane were discussed. The catalysts were characterized by XRD, N2 adsorption-desorption isotherms, NH3-TPD, H2-TPR, XPS, TEM and Raman spectra. The characterization results showed that Sn could regulate the surface acidity of V2O5/Al2O3 and the distribution and valence state of V species on the surface of the catalyst. When 1% (wt) Sn was added, SnO2 was uniformly dispersed on the surface of the catalyst, and it show little impact on the specific surface area and pore structure. At the same time, the change in surface acidity was small and the vanadium species with low valence increased. The performance evaluation results showed that the catalyst maintained the best reactivity and stability with the presence of hydrogen. After dehydrogenation of isobutane for 480min, the isobutane conversion was 46.8% and the isobutene yield was 39.8%.

    Study on the distribution laws of arsenide in the full-range FCC gasoline
    Yana JU,Yang LI,Kunhong LIU,Litao WANG,Tianshu LI,Yaqiong HU,Qi FENG,Zengkun JIANG,Ran ZHANG
    2019, 38(08):  3688-3694.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-1976
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    The narrow fraction cutting of FCC gasoline before and after dearsenification were carried out in a flash distillation apparatus. The arsenide content in narrow fractions were analyzed by Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry(AFS), and the arsenic distribution laws were studied, which provided guidance for the development of de-arsenic catalyst and the selection of arsenic removal process. The experimental results showed that the proportion of arsenide was increasing with the increase of the boiling point of narrow fraction, and more than 90% arsenide was in the heavy gasoline component (≥80℃). In particular, the proportion of arsenide in the fraction above 170℃ increased sharply, accounting for 65.82%-96.31% of the total arsenide. For adsorption dearsenification, the arsenic in the fraction of gasoline before 150℃ was all removed, and the dearsening rate of heavy distillates above 150℃ decreased slightly. For hydrogenation dearsenification, the arsenic removal rates for the light fractions before 80℃ in gasoline and the heavy fractions after 170℃ were both higher than 90%, while that for the middle fraction was lower.

    Alkylation of benzene with methanol to toluene catalyzed by MgO modified HMCM-22 molecular sieve
    Guixian LI,Yongqi GUO,Jingjing LIU,Dong JI,Dongliang WANG,Yong YANG,Yongfu ZHANG,Chao WU
    2019, 38(08):  3695-3700.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2076
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    A series of HMCM-22 molecular sieve catalysts modified by MgO were prepared by mechanical wet mixing method. The crystal structure, surface morphology, pore channel change and acid content of the modified catalysts were characterized by means of XRD, SEM, N2 physical adsorption and desorption, Py-IR and so on. It was found that the addition of MgO could effectively adjust the acidity of HMCM-22 molecular sieve, but the regulation effect on the pore channel was weak. The catalyst performance was evaluated on a microreactor under the conditions of feed ratio of 1∶1, atmospheric pressure, temperature of 400℃, reaction time of 4h, and weight hourly space velocity (WHSV=10h-1). The catalytic performance of MgO/HMCM-22 with different MgO loading was investigated. It was found that all of MgO/HMCM-22 catalysts with MgO loading from 3% to 6% had excellent catalytic performance, the conversion of benzene was more than 50%, and the toluene selectivity was more than 60%. At the same time, the stability of 3% MgO/HMCM-22 catalyst was also investigated under the same condition. The results showed that the conversion of benzene remained above 50% within 40h, and still up to 23% within 80h and the selectivity of toluene remained about 65%.

    Effect of surface defects density of carbon spheres on the catalytic performance of the supported Cu catalyst for oxidativecarbonylation of methanol
    Dongsen JIA,Guoqiang ZHANG,Jiao YIN,Liangliang ZHANG,Dan ZHAO,Huayan ZHENG,Zhong LI
    2019, 38(08):  3701-3710.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2121
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    A series of ordered microporous carbon spheres (CS) with different surface defect density were prepared by hydrothermal polymerization method, then the CS surface-supported Cu catalysts were prepared and evaluated for methanol oxidative carbonylation to synthesize dimethyl carbonate. From the characterization results , the influence of surface defect density of CS on the structure and the catalytic performance of Cu/CS were studied. The results indicated that the surface defect density of CS increase with the increase of its particle size, and the dispersion of Cu species became better with the increase of surface defect density. Moreover, the increased surface defect density was conducive to the enhanced interaction between CS and Cu species, and to the auto-reduction of CuO to active species Cu2O and Cu, and thus improved the catalytic activity. The long-term evaluation results suggested that the oxidation and agglomeration of Cu species resulted in the deactivation of Cu/CS catalysts. The surface defect of CS inhibited the oxidation of active Cu species in the reaction process. The higher surface defect density, the stronger the antioxidant capacity of Cu species. However, the Cu species with small particle size induced by high surface defect density aggregated easily in the reaction process due to their high surface energy.

    Preparation of vanadia pillared catalysts and the catalytic performance in the oxidative dehydrogenation of propane to propylene
    Linhua ZHU,Zhaohong HE,Tian SI,Yanping HE
    2019, 38(08):  3711-3719.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2145
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    Three types of vanadium-based catalyst samples were prepared through ionic exchange by using three layer double hydroxides with different layer composition as carrier, which was MgAl-CO3-LDHs、CoAl-CO3-LDHs and NiCr-CO3-LDHs, and NaVO3 as pillar reagent as well as vanadium precursor. The physical phase and the state of vanadium species were characterized by XRD, FTIR, XPS and Raman spectra. The catalytic performance of the prepared catalyst samples were tested by using oxidative dehydrogenation of propane to propylene as probe reaction, and the influence of the layer composition of LDHs and the content of vanadium on the state of vanadium species as well as on its catalytic performance were discussed. The results showed that a propylene yield of 11.3% was obtained at 560℃ on the catalyst sample of 20%MgAlVO, and the Raman spectra showed that two types of vanadium species of Mg3V2O8 and α-Mg2V2O7 coexisted in this sample. Besides, the XPS spectra showed that the ratio of lattice oxygen to the adsorbed oxygen was ideal. Both of them were beneficial to obtain high catalytic performance. However, vanadium species of Co3V2O8 and Ni3V2O8 were observed in the samples of 20%CoAlVO and NiCrVO. The propylene yield was lower than 8% on the catalyst samples of 20%CoAlVO and even no propylene produced on the catalyst samples of 20%NiCrVO at the same conditions.

    Materials science and technology
    Progress in preparation and application of lignin-derived mesoporous carbon materials
    Shuai WANG,Linhuo GAN,Li LÜ
    2019, 38(08):  3720-3729.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2088
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    Lignin is the only non-petroleum resource in nature that provides regenerative aromatic compounds, and it has been employed as a superior carbon precursor in the sustainable synthesis of mesoporous carbon owing to its advantages of phenol-rich structure, low cost and high carbon content. This paper introduced the latest research progress in the preparation of lignin-derived mesoporous carbon materials using hard template method, soft template method, dual hard and soft template method, activation method, hydrothermal method and sol-gel method, respectively. The pore structure and morphology of mesoporous carbon materials prepared by different methods were analyzed and compared, and their applications in adsorption, catalysis, drug delivery and supercapacitor were described in detail. Finally, in accordance with the existing difficulties in the preparation and application of lignin-derived mesoporous carbon materials, the future research directions were prospected.

    Application of functionalization of hollow nanomaterials incatalytic reactions
    Jiyang XIE,Hongqin WANG,Cheng PENG,Jianhui WANG,Jilong DONG,Nihong AN,Yunsheng DAI
    2019, 38(08):  3730-3741.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2136
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    In recent years, hollow nanomaterials have attracted much attention in many fields due to their unique structures and excellent properties. Owing to the high specific surface area, well-defined active site, delimited void space and tunable mass transfer rate, hollow nanostructures can serve as excellent catalysts, supports and reactors for a variety of catalytic applications, including photocatalysis, electrocatalysis, heterogeneous catalysis, homogeneous catalysis, etc. Based on the most advanced synthesis methods and characterization techniques, researchers focused on the purposeful functionalization of hollow nanomaterials for catalytic mechanism studies and intricatecatalytic reactions. This paper reviewed how to build nano reactors to achieve more active and selective catalytic reactions. Especially for the surface functionalization strategy of hollow nanomaterials, including morphology and composition modification, encapsulation, multi-shell construction, single-atom site design, surface molecular engineering and so on, it provides an ideal model for the rational design and development of hollow nanomaterials functionalization into effective catalysts.

    Progress in preparation and application of core-shell structure nanocomposites with magnetism and fluorescence
    Rong FU,Chunlin YANG,Yanyan HU,Meigui OU
    2019, 38(08):  3742-3755.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2184
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    Core-shell structured nanocomposites with magnetic and fluorescent properties are one of the research hotspots in the field of materials. The nanocomposites has not only magnetic responsiveness but also fluorescence, presenting characteristics that cannot be simultaneously achieved by a single material. Therefore, they have been widely used in the field of biological medicine and have improved the efficiency and accuracy of disease diagnosis to elevate the techniques of cancer treatment. This paper briefly introduced the four formation mechanisms of core-shell structured nanocomposites with magnetism and fluorescence and a few commonly used preparation methods. The advantages and disadvantages of these methods were analyzed respectively. The surface modification methods (surface passivation and surface functionalization) of nanoparticles were mainly introduced. Moreover, the application of core-shell magnetic and fluorescent nanocomposites in multimodal molecular imaging, targeted transport and controlled release of drugs, thermal therapy and photodynamic therapy for cancer were expounded. Finally, the developing trend of core-shell structured nanocomposites with magnetic and fluorescent was prospected. According to the main problems in the current research, the main research direction in the future was pointed out: finding the best combination and assembly method for multifunctional materials, optimizing and integrating the properties of surface modifier, identifying the toxicity and metabolism of materials in the body, etc.

    Progress in melt electrospinning direct writing technology intissue engineering
    Ziqi YAO,Dongming MA,Wenlong LEI,Zhiwei JIAO,Haoyi LI,Xiaodong XU,Youchen ZHANG
    2019, 38(08):  3756-3762.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2019-0028
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    The melt electrospinning direct writing technology provides a huge space for the preparation of high-strength complex morphology controllable biomimetic tissue engineering (TE) scaffolds due to its high controllability of fiber diameter and deposition morphology, solvent-free residue and other advantages. It has become a research hotspot in recent years. First, this paper briefly describes the advantages of melt electrospinning direct writing technology over various other TE scaffold preparation methods; secondly, the process research progress of melt electrospinning direct writing technology is reviewed from the aspects of process regulation, and the control methods for implementing complex controllable topography TE scaffold are summarized; then the progress of TE application of melt electrospinning direct writing technology is reviewed from the aspects of scaffold materials, morphological characterization and cell culture effects, in addition, the types and characteristics of TE topological structure scaffolds prepared by this technology are summarized; finally, it is pointed out that the melt electrospinning direct writing technology has broad research prospects, and the technology should focus on the preparation of bionics, material diversification and composite scaffolds.

    Review on preparation of plant-based activated carbon and its adsorption application
    Pengfei SHEN,Yingying ZHU,Xinbao LI,Zhenguo XIA,Geng CHEN
    2019, 38(08):  3763-3773.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2019-0093
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    The preparation of plant-based activated carbon and its application are reviewed in this paper. The effects of different carbon resource on the characteristics and application of activated carbon were summarized. Features of common carbonization methods, activation methods and modification methods were discussed. The use of different preparing methods and related research progress were summarized as well. The general use of plant-based activated carbon includes decontamination of industrial and indoor waste gas, such as hydrogen sulfide and formaldehyde , adsorption of organic dyes, organic drugs, small molecular organic compounds and heavy metals in wastewater, and use as supercapacitor electrode materials. According to the limitations of current research, such as characteristics of plant raw materials being not adequately considered for single preparation


    and pollution emission during preparation, future perspectives of plant-based active preparation research were provided as follows: preparation method optimization according the nature of plant precursors, environmental-friendly preparation methods development and improvement of activated carbon reuse ratio.

    Hydrothermal synthesis of MnO2 and the structure-activity relationship of its adsorption of dye
    Danchen ZHU,Jiali XIAO,Lili YANG,Minglian FU
    2019, 38(08):  3774-3781.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2018
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    MnSO4 and (NH4)2S2O8 were used as the raw materials for the hydrothermal synthesis of MnO2, which is an inexpensive, low toxic and effective adsorbent. The structure, morphology and adsorption performance of the obtained MnO2 were studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and adsorption experiments, respectively. Moreover, the structure-active relationship was studied. The results showed that burr spherical MnO2 with three different crystal phases (α, β and γ), β-MnO2 with spheroidic and needle-like morphologies could be prepared by changing the hydrothermal temperature and hydrothermal time. Among them, the adsorption capacity of burr spherical γ-MnO2 on methylene blue (MB) could reach 19.33mg/g. The burr spherical like γ-MnO2 was synthesized at hydrothermal temperature of 80℃ and hydrothermal time of 12h. Burr spherical MnO2 can be obtained under either of the following situation: ① when the hydrothermal time is 12h, and the hydrothermal temperatures are between 50℃ and 110℃. ② hydrothermal temperature is 80℃ with various hydrothermal time(4h, 8h, 24h). The adsorption of MB is influenced by the crystal phase and morphology of MnO2. The adsorption performance of burr spherical MnO2 with various crystal phases is in the order of β<α<γ. Moreover, the adsorption performance of β-MnO2 with different morphologies is in the order of needle-like2. The adsorption performance of burr spherical γ-MnO2 on MB was improved by changing the pH of MB solution from 10.00 to 1.00. The adsorption process was accompanied by chemical reaction, and can be described by the Langmuir isothermal model. The result provides a basis for the study of the mechanism and the structure-activity relationship of MnO2 for adsorbing dye.

    Electrochemical active surface area of Ti/IrO2+MnO2 electrodes in the acid solutions
    Jian ZHOU,Wenxue GUAN,Sanfan WANG,Xueming ZHANG
    2019, 38(08):  3782-3787.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2028
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    Ti/IrO2+MnO2 coated electrodes with different compositions were prepared by the thermal decomposition method. The electrochemical surface of Ti/IrO2+MnO2 electrodes were studied by potentiostatic cyclic voltammetry in sulfuric acid solution, and the electrochemical active surface area of electrodes were evaluated quantitatively by a linear extrapolation. The results show that the voltammetric charge of Ti/(0.7)IrO2+(0.3)MnO2 is the highest, along with the largest electrochemical active surface area. With the increase of the potential scanning speed, the voltammetric current density increases continuously, while the voltammetric charge decreases gradually until a constant value is reached. For all the Ti/IrO2+MnO2 electrodes, the “inner” electrochemical active surface area is much larger than the “outer” electrochemical active surface area, by about two times. It means that there are a lot of micropores inside the electrodes with a very large real surface area, thus the Ir4+/Ir3+ valence state transition occurs at the ”inner” electrochemical active surface.

    Research on the open adsorption property of MIL-101(Cr)
    Qianwen LI,Huizhong ZHAO,Zhaoyang WANG,Tianhao WU,Min ZHANG
    2019, 38(08):  3788-3794.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2064
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    The hydrothermal stable metal-organic framework MIL-101(Cr) was directly synthesized by hydrothermal method. Different experimental conditions were taken based on solar adsorption extracting water from air. The adsorption performance of MIL-101(Cr) was tested and compared to that of the micro-pore silica gel under the condition of open adsorption. The effects of temperature on the adsorption property were tested in the range of 5—45℃ and under the equal relative humidity 50%.The experimental results show that at temperature of 35℃ and relative humidity of 50%, the adsorption capacity of MIL-101(Cr) was 22.05g/100g within 1000minutes, an increase of 93% compared to that of the micro-pore silica gel. And the effective average equilibrium adsorption rate of MIL-101(Cr) was increased by 120% compared to the silica gel . In addition, in the environment with relative humidity 50%, temperature range of 5—45℃, the equilibrium adsorption capacity of MIL-101 (Cr) was among 11.40—23.47g/100g. The equilibrium adsorption capacity of MIL-101 (Cr) was the highest at 25℃, and the minimum was at 5℃.The value at 25℃ was about 106% higher than that at 5℃. This experiment can provide basic data for the usage of MIL-101(Cr) in solar adsorption extracting water from air at all seasons.

    Properies of polyurethane damping material with different inorganic filler
    Lianzhen LI,Linlin LI,Yong GUAN,Haitao LIU
    2019, 38(08):  3795-3800.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2098
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    Polyurethane composites were prepared from polyoxypropylene diol (PPG) and diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI-100) using the chain extender of 1,4 butanediol (BDO) and added with two kinds of inorganic fillers including sericite and talcum powder. The damping properties, themostability and morphology were characterized by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results showed that when two different inorganic fillers were added, the mechanical properties, thermal stability and damping properties of the composites were improved to different extents. After adding 10% sericite and 10% talcum powder, the maximum loss factor (tanδ) was increased from 0.372 to 0.436 and 0.440, respectively, and the T g was slightly shifted toward the low temperature. The tensile strength, elongation at break and Shore hardness of 10% sericite-modified composites increased from 5.16MPa, 432%, and 65 to 8.47MPa, 468%, and 85, respectively. The tensile strength, elongation at break, Shore hardness of 10% talcum powder-modified composite increased to 7MPa, 470%, 82. When the weight loss rate was 5%, the initial decomposition temperature after modification of 10% sericite and 10% talcum powder was increased by 52.67℃ and 55.8℃, respectively, compared with the silicone modified polyurethane material without inorganic filler.

    Energy storage and mechanical properties of shaped composite building materials containing phase change materials
    Jinli LU,Yang LI,Yafang HAN,Gaojie YANG,Fuping QIAN
    2019, 38(08):  3801-3808.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2157
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    In this paper, based on the experimental method, the n-dodecanol as phase change materials was combined with cement using microencapsulation and direct adsorption method to prepare microencapsulated phase change material cement-based composite building materials (MPCM-concrete) and phase change material cement-based composite building materials (PCM-concrete), respectively. Parameters such as microstructure, thermal performance, and compression resistance were tested and analyzed. The SEM results showed that the addition of MPCM and PCM had a significant effect on the microstructure of cement-based building materials. The TGA curves indicated that the weight loss rate of concrete, MPCM-concrete and PCM-concrete samples increased sequentially mainly due to the increase in pure PCM content. Furthermore, MPCM-concrete was more stable than PCM-concrete. With the same mass fraction of the composite components, the strength of PCM-concrete was slightly lower than the MPCM-concrete. The temperature regulation test showed that MPCM-concrete and PCM-concrete all had certain temperature regulation performance, which can significantly reduce temperature fluctuation of cement-based building materials around the phase transition temperature. Under the same mass content of the composite components condition, the PCM-concrete had better temperature regulation performance, but its cyclability was poor, and the internal PCM content was gradually lost with the thermal cycles and accompanied by irritant smell, leading to poor practicality of PCM-concrete. Therefore, MPCM-concrete was more suitable for use as a new building material.

    Biochemical and pharmaceutical engineering
    Influence of temperature on MEC anode biofilm formation and extracellular polymers substances
    Helin SUN,Qiongli SHAO,Jianchang LI,Jingzhu ZHENG,Kunde XU,Xiangang LONG
    2019, 38(08):  3809-3815.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2358
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    Temperature was one of the important parameters which can significantly effect on the activity,dominant species and reactor performance. Anaerobic activated sludge was used as the inoculant and glucose was used as carbon source. The anode biofilm of the single chamber microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) was operated at different temperature. The experimental results showed that the maximum current densities were 2.04A/m2, 7.75A/m2, 12.27A/m2 and 2.5A/m2 respectively at 25℃, 30℃, 35℃ and 45℃. The trend of electrochemical activity and hydrogen yield of anode biofilm is similar to that of MECs, which shows that increasing temperature in a certain temperature range is beneficial to the electrochemical activity of anode biofilm and hydrogen yield of anode biofilm. The results of anode biomass and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) analysis indicated that the increase of temperature within a certain temperature range was beneficial to the increase of the anode membrane biomass. A large number of bacteria adhering to the anode could produce higher current density and EPS content. The protein composition of EPS was significantly higher than that of polysaccharide, and the protein content increased with the increase of current density. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrophotometry analysis confirmed the presence of proteins and carbohydrates in the biofilm.

    Effect of pH on hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis and microbial community under thermophilic condition
    Lurui CHEN,Shiyun DU,Li XIE
    2019, 38(08):  3816-3822.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2019-0188
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    Ex-situ biogas upgrading based on hydrogenotrophic methanogenic process has attracted much attention with the depletion of fossil fuels. This study investigated effects of initial pH on anaerobic hydrogen-consuming methanogenesis and microbial community at 55oC. Experimental results showed that variations of initial pH did not influence methane production under semi-continuous condition. Hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis was found to be the main pathway of methanogenesis under the tested conditions at the anaerobic system with H2/CO2 as the matrix. Alkaline condition (pH 8.5―9.0) improved the hydrogen consumption, and decreased lag phase of methane production to 6.9h, and methane yield was as high as 19.8mL CH4 /(gVS?h). High throughput sequencing results further demonstrated that hydrogenotrophic methanogens was the main species. Methanothermobacter, with relative abundance of 90.6%―91.6% was found to dominate under acidic and neutral conditions. While Methanobacterium with relative abundance of 83% was the main species under alkaline condition. Methanomassiliicoccus was also detected, with relative abundance of 7.7%. The relative abundance of Methanobacterium and the enrichment of Methanomassicicoccus might be contributable to the high specific methane activity under alkaline condition.

    Fine chemicals
    Process optimization for synthesis of (R)-1-chloro-3-phenoxy-2-propanol by halohydrin dehalogenase
    Xiangju YA,Yuqi WANG,Xinhai ZHU,Yujie JING,Xi LIN,Feng XUE,Jian GAO
    2019, 38(08):  3823-3828.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2413
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    Halohydrin dehalogenase (HHDH) was produced by recombinant strain E. coli BL21 (pET28a-HHDH). This recombinant E. coli was used as whole-cell catalysis to synthesize enantiopure (R)-1-chloro-3-phenoxy-2-propanol. The influencing factors of HHDH catalyzed synthesis of (R)-1-chloro-3-phenoxy-2-propanol were studied in the experiment. The reaction pH, reaction temperature, catalyst concentration, nucleophilic concentration (NaN3) and substrate concentration were investigated. The results showed that the optimal conditions were as follows: pH was 7.0, reaction temperature was 28℃, the concentration of catalyst was 22.5g/L, the concentration of sodium azide was 50mmol/L, the concentration of racemic 1-chloro-3-phenoxy-2-propanol was 10mmol/L. Under these conditions, the ee and yield of (R)-1-chloro-3-phenoxy-2-propanol was 100% and 16.97%, respectively.

    Preparation of anti-ultraviolet superhydrophobic anti-reflective coatings by co-condensation of organosilanes
    Yiwen LI,Liqin HAO,Hongning WANG,Ruoyu CHEN
    2019, 38(08):  3829-3837.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2019-0057
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    Antireflective coatings with super-hydrophobic characteristic have advantages in application for optical devices and solar thermal components,which can reduce the cleaning cost of the anti-reflection film and prolong the service life of the anti-reflection film. Organosilanes containing hydrophobic groups such as methyl groups are used to prepare coatings with a certain porosity expected to enhance both antireflective and the hydrophobic durability of coatings. In this study, tetramethoxysilane (TMOS) and methyltriethoxysilane (MTES) were used to prepare the sol by co-polycondensation, methoxytrimethylsilane (MMS) was used as hydroxyl end-capping to terminate the condensation reaction during the gum phase and prepare a sol that was stable for more than 120 days. Under the optimum conditions, a super-hydrophobic antireflective coating was prepared by immersion pulling method with an average transmittance of 97.06% at 400―800nm, the highest transmittance of 98.27% and a water contact angle of 165°. And the reaction mechanism of the MTES/TMOS/MMS sol was deduced. After UV aging test for 1080 hours, the coating still had good anti-reflection properties, hydrophobicity and anti scratching strength, and exhibited good UV durability.

    Resources and environmental engineering
    Preparation of biochar-based composites and their adsorption performances for characteristic contaminants in wastewater
    Jingyi WANG,Li WANG,Wenlong ZHANG,Wei LÜ,Wei YAN,Shanshan LI,Jiangtao FENG
    2019, 38(08):  3838-3851.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2025
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    The removal of major contaminants in different industries, such as heavy metals, pharmaceutical and personal care products (PPCPs), ammonia nitrogen, phosphate and fluoride has become one research focus in the field of water decontamination. Adsorption is widely used in the removal of water pollutants due to its advantages of simple operation and cost-effectiveness. Compared with traditional adsorbents, biochar exceeds in its superiorities of abundant raw materials, large surface area and low cost, but the abundance of its surface functional groups is limited. The active absorption sites of biochar can be improved via appropriate modification, thereby enhancing its adsorption performance. In this paper, biochar modifications and the physicochemical properties of biochar-based composites were reviewed according to the types of modifying agent, the synthesis methods and sequences. Combined with the latest research reports, the adsorption of biochar-based composites for heavy metals, PPCPs and other aqueous pollutants was summarized in terms of synthesis method, adsorption performance and mechanism. Finally, some suggestions with respect to improvement in biochar-based adsorbent optimization and applications, especially to regeneration and resource utilization were proposed.

    A review on heavy and alkali metals adsorption by kaolin athigh temperature
    Yun CHENG,Xinye WANG,Wenting LÜ,Yaji HUANG,Hao XIE,Ruojun GUO,Guilin PIAO
    2019, 38(08):  3852-3865.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2097
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    Kaolin has an ability to adsorb alkali and heavy metals at high temperatures, and can solve the problems such as slagging, ash accumulation, corrosion, and the emissions of heavy metals and ultrafine particles during the combustion or gasification of coal, biomass and garbage. The previous researchers have conducted long-term researches on this field, but there are still many related difficulties and problems. Therefore, this paper reviewed the previous research results and put forward the prospect. The important results were introduced from five aspects of kaolin high temperature structure characteristics, research methods, high temperature adsorption mechanisms, high temperature adsorption technology application and kaolin modification. Combining the research results of predecessors and the author's own research experience, the prospect of research in this field was put forward. The lack of simple and accurate metal vapor quantification device and on-line detection device seriously hinders the experimental research on high-temperature adsorption of kaolin. It is urgent to develop a corresponding new method or new equipment. The high-temperature adsorption and the structure distortion due to high temperature happen at the same time. Therefore, the correlation is one of the keys to understanding the behavior of high temperature adsorption, which were mentioned rarely in the previous researches. The effect of flue gas components on adsorption is not well studied. Thus, the high temperature adsorption behavior and mathematical description of kaolin under complex atmospheres are not formed yet. In the application process, the addition proportion of kaolin is large (usually more than 3%), which may adversely affect the combustion or gasification process and inhibit its industrial application. It is a good way to improve the adsorption efficiency and reduce the usage amount of kaolin by kaolin modification, which still need to be further studied. However, since it is difficult to separate kaolin from fly ash and to regenerate or recycle, the modification cost must be low.

    Review on membrane wettability of membrane CO2 absorption method from coal-fired flue gas
    Weifeng ZHANG,Juan LI,Qiuhua WANG,Zhaoxiong DENG,Lulu WANG
    2019, 38(08):  3866-3873.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2430
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    Membrane absorption method was one of the main processes for separating CO2 from coal-fired flue gas. The increase of membrane resistance caused by membrane wetting and the change of membrane surface morphology were the main problems encountered in membrane absorption research, which hindered the wide application of membrane absorption method. Based on the basic principles of membrane absorption, the factors affecting membrane wetting (type of absorbent, concentration of absorbent, temperature, liquid phase pressure and flow rate) and membrane properties (membrane material and membrane structure) were described. The compatibility between membrane and absorbent was analyzed in detail. It was determined that pore wettability was the key factor restricting the long-term stable operation of membrane module. Finally, it was pointed out the main research direction for mitigating membrane wetting in the future as follows: optimizing operating conditions, developing new cost-effective absorbents, membrane materials and surface modification to improve the compatibility of membrane and absorbent, improving the stability of long-term operation of membrane contactors, and further exploring how to restore the performance of membrane components, so as to improve the reusability rate.

    One-step recovery and regeneration of LiCoO2 from the spent lithium cobalt oxide battery
    Fei ZHANG,Yingzhou LU
    2019, 38(08):  3874-3880.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-1937
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    In this work, we developed a one-step technique coupling acid leaching and sol-gel method to recover and regenerate LiCoO2 from the spent lithium cobalt oxide batteries. First, citric acid was used to extract the Co and Li from the cathode material, and then LiCoO2 was directly regenerated from the leaching solution by sol-gel method. Citric acid acted both as leaching agent and chelating agent in the process, simplified the process of recovery and regeneration. The effects of citric acid concentration, solid-liquid ratio, leaching temperature, volume concentration of hydrogen peroxide and leaching time on the leaching efficiency of Co and Li were explored and the effects of calcination temperature on the structure, morphology and electrochemical properties of the reclaimed lithium cobalt oxide were investigated. The results showed that the optimum leaching conditions were citric acid concentration of 1.5mol/L, solid-liquid ratio of 20g/L, leaching temperature of 80℃, H2O2 content of 2%, and leaching time of 60 minutes. Under these conditions, the leaching rates of Co and Li reached 93.7% and 98.2% respectively. The electrochemical analysis indicated that the regenerated LiCoO2 by calcination at 700℃ had the best electrochemical performance. The specific discharge capacity of the regenerated LiCoO2 was 118.7mA·h/g, at 1C after 50 cycles, with a capacity retention of 93%.

    Mercury removal performance of bromine-modified coconut shell activated carbon in real flue gas
    Fan ZHANG,Yufeng DUAN,Shuai LIU,Jincheng LU,Shaojun REN,Hongqi WEI,Jun WANG
    2019, 38(08):  3881-3888.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2086
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    The bromine-modified coconut shell activated carbon (YAC-Br) for mercury removal adsorbent was prepared by using the coconut shell activated carbon (YAC) as raw material and impregnating with NH4Br solution. The mercury removal experiments of YAC and YAC-Br were carried out in a fixed bed. The effects of initial mercury (Hg0) concentration on the mercury removal performance of YAC-Br were studied. The principle of mercury removal from YAC-Br was analyzed, combined with characterization methods such as BET, SEM and XRF. Activated carbon injection (ACI) experiments were carried out on a 0.3MW coal-fired circulating fluidized bed boiler to study the adsorption effect of YAC-Br on mercury in real flue gas. The results showed that the modification process has no damage on the original pore structure and pore volume of YAC, but it makes the surface smoother. After chemical modification, the Br-loading capacity on the activated carbon surface increases and becomes the main active adsorption site of Hg0. The results of the fixed bed experiments showed that the initial mercury adsorption efficiency and unit cumulative mercury adsorption capacity of YAC-Br increases by 6.02 times and 21.8 times, respectively. The adsorption efficiency decreases with the increase of mercury initial concentration. The results of the 0.3MW circulating fluidized bed coal combustion experiments showed that YAC-Br has good adsorption to elemental mercury and oxidized mercury. The mercury removal efficiency increases with the increase of the adsorbent injection amount. When the injection amount was 0.7kg/h, the mercury removal efficiency reached 76.38%.

    Preparation of Rhodamine fluorescence self-assembly membrane and its determination of phenol
    Wenying HU,Zhangxu CHEN,Tiandong WANG
    2019, 38(08):  3889-3895.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2194
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    By using Quartz as the substrate, chitosan was assembled on the silanization layer of the quartz surface by the adsorption force. Then RhB was indirectly assembled onto the surface of quartz substrate through its esterification of chitosan, and hence the chitosan-RhB self-assembled monolayer was constructed. The chitosan-RhB self-assembled membrane was characterized by SEM and fluorescence microscope, so that the assembly conditions of the self-assembled film, the properties of the self-assembled membrane, the interaction with the phenol and the anti-interference test were investigated. Linear relationship between the phenol concentration and the RhB self-assembled membrane was found in the range of 0—20×10-10g/L, and the detection limit (DL) was 0.13×10-10g/L, and the membrane showed good stability and reproducibility. Furthermore, the chitosan-RhB self-assembled membrane was applied to detect phenol in the water of lake and stream. It was found that the phenol content in both water samples reached the national water standard of Class Ⅰ, and the sample recovery rate was between 91% and 97%, which suggests that the self-assembled membrane is suitable for the analysis and detection of trace samples.

    Treatment of ethylene waste lye by precipitation-oxidation
    Fengrong WANG,Kecun MA,Tiancheng WANG,Longdi DU,Guiyue GUO
    2019, 38(08):  3896-3901.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2231
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    Precipitation-oxidation process was used to treat sulfide in ethylene waste lye. The factors affecting removing efficiency were investigated. Under the condition of n(CuSO4)∶n(Na2S)=1.1∶1、temperature 40℃ and 2h, S2- in lye residue after desulfurization by precipitation was 0.04g/L. Then the lye after desulphurization was further treated by oxidation with hydrogen peroxide. When the oxidation reaction temperature is 40℃, the time is 2h, and the amount of oxidant hydrogen peroxide is 1.0mL/L waste lye, The S2- in ethylene waste lye could be reduced to below 1mg/L, and it meets the treatment effect of wet oxidation technology and the requirements of flue gas desulfurization for ethylene waste lye. At the same time, wet oxidation regeneration of copper sulfate was also studied. The results showed that: under the conditions of 15% concentration of copper sulfide slurry, pH=3, oxygen partial pressure of 0.5MPa, reaction temperature of 200℃, and reaction time of 0.5h, copper sulfate regeneration was complete. The recycling utilization of copper sulfate was realized.

    Seawater flue gas desulfurization by membrane aeration- membrane absorbent combined process
    Mengxuan DENG,Jie LIU,Chaopeng YANG,Junsheng YUAN
    2019, 38(08):  3902-3909.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2261
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    A membrane aeration-absorption combined flue gas desulfurization process was investigated using polypropylene hollow fiber dual-layer membrane contactor. The influences of flue gas flow rate, seawater flow rate, seawater pH and aeration flow rate on SO2 absorption were investigated. The results show that higher desulfurization efficiency and mass transfer performance are achieved in the novel membrane aeration-absorption process, in which SO2 absorption rate increases by 12.4% comparing to normal one. The flue gas flow rate increases induce to SO2 absorption rate decreases, while total mass transfer coefficient increases first and then decreases. Increasing of seawater flow rate, seawater pH and aeration rate result in SO2 absorption rate and total mass transfer coefficient increase. Aeration with higher seawater pH presents better absorption effect. Higher seawater pH and bigger aeration rate lead to larger absorbed flux. The characterization of SEM and contact angle show that the hollow fiber membrane still has high hydrophobic properties and usability after one month, which shows a good application prospects of polypropylene (PP) hollow fiber membranes.

    Effects of external resistance on the performance of three-anode-MFC: electricity generation and simultaneous nitrification anddenitrification efficiency
    Yuan LU,Xia GU,Yongze LU,Shan HUANG,Guangcan ZHU
    2019, 38(08):  3910-3916.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-2299
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    A novel three-anode microbial fuel cell (3A-MFC) was used to produce electricity by providing organic at the anode and organic, ammonia and oxygen at the cathode. Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification were efficiently achieved at the biocathode. The effects of external resistance values of 1000Ω, 500Ω, 150Ω, and 50Ω on the electricity generation and denitrification performance of 3A-MFC were investigated. The maximum output of 583C could be achieved at the external resistance value of 150Ω, which was 2.0, 1.6, 2.5 times of those at the external resistance value of 1000Ω, 500Ω and 50Ω, respectively. Meanwhile, the anode coulombic efficiency reached a maximum value of 1.70% and the internal resistance reached a minimum value of 200Ω. At this time, the external resistance value was the closest to the internal resistance value, and the power generation reached the peak. When the external resistance decreased from 1000Ω to 150Ω, the total nitrogen (TN) removal efficiency increased from 79.7% to a maximum value of 84.1%. The TN removal rate increased from 7.5mg/(L·d) to 13.1mg/(L·d). With the external resistance value reducing, the electron transfer rate was improved, and the stimulation of the microorganisms was enhanced. So the optimal TN removal efficiency and rate were achieved.

    Process and characteristics of carbon source release from excess sludge via high temperature digestion
    Fang CHEN,Shugen LIU,Qunchao WANG,Yongfeng JIA,Ping NING
    2019, 38(08):  3917-3924.  doi:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2019-0568
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    Aimed to meet the requirements of biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal for those wastewaters with low C/N ratio, more and more attention has been paid to the development of internal carbon source via excess sludge. In this study, the characteristics of carbon source releasing under different digestion temperature were investigated, and the effects of sludge digestion on the molecular weight distribution of organic compounds was also studied. As the temperature was raised from 40 to 60℃, the reduction of volatile solids (VS) improved significantly, and the concentration of soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) in digestion supernatant presented a significant increase. Raising the temperature can facilitate the release of internal carbon source from the sludge. For the reactor with digestion temperature of 60℃, the short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) at 120h was 8797mg/L, and the ratio of C/N (presented by SCOD/TN) and C/P (presented by SCOD/TP) were 11.7与38.2, respectively. Thus, the digestion supernatant can meet the requirement of carbon source in the process of biological nutrient removal. Digestion temperature significantly affects the molecular weight distribution of organic compounds during sludge digestion process, and those soluble microbial by-products can be transformed into other metabolic intermediate components under thermophilic digestion condition, and the macromolecules may be smoothly converted to small molecular intermediates. As digestion time exceeded 120h, the macromolecules with M w>100000 in the digestion substrate presented a downward trend, and the small molecules with M w<10000 gradually increased, but the total amount of SCFAs in the supernatant declined, which was not conducive to the accumulation of internal carbon sources.

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