化工进展 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (6): 3010-3021.DOI: 10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2021-1339
陶礼(), 杨启容(
), 李昭莹(
), 亓昊, 王力伟, 马欣如
TAO Li(), YANG Qirong(
), LI Zhaoying(
), QI Hao, WANG Liwei, MA Xinru
YANG Qirong,LI Zhaoying
采用分子动力学模拟方法,选取Ni、ZSM-5以及Ni/ZSM-5催化剂,对轮胎橡胶热解制氢的机理进行探究,并同时与前人做过的实验研究进行对比验证模拟计算。文中利用Material Studio建立轮胎橡胶模型,DMol3模块对生成氢气路径进行过渡态搜索,CULP模块对其加入Ni催化剂的热解过程进行模拟。模拟结果表明,制氢催化效果顺序为Ni>Ni/ZSM-5>ZSM-5。催化热解大致分为两个阶段:①低温阶段长链裂解成单体化合物,单体主要是异戊二烯、苯乙烯以及1,3-丁二烯;②高温阶段自由基攻击单体生成小分子物质。加入Ni催化剂后降低了热解终止温度。催化剂的加入在低温阶段主要表现在加快热解进程,增加低温阶段时单体数量。在高温阶段主要表现在改变了气体产物分布,Ni的加入降低了轮胎热解温度,并且使氢比例增加。
陶礼, 杨启容, 李昭莹, 亓昊, 王力伟, 马欣如. 基于分子动力学模拟的轮胎橡胶催化热解制氢机理[J]. 化工进展, 2022, 41(6): 3010-3021.
TAO Li, YANG Qirong, LI Zhaoying, QI Hao, WANG Liwei, MA Xinru. Mechanism of hydrogen production by catalytic pyrolysis of tire rubber based on molecular dynamics simulation[J]. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2022, 41(6): 3010-3021.
橡胶 | 主要成分分子式 | 单链模型 | 长链模型 |
天然 橡胶 | 顺-1,4-聚异戊二烯 | 单链 | 长链 |
丁苯 橡胶 | 苯乙烯 1,3-丁二烯 | 单链 | 长链 |
顺丁 橡胶 | 顺-1,4-聚丁二烯 | 单链 | 长链 |
表1 橡胶主要成分分子式、单链及长链模型
橡胶 | 主要成分分子式 | 单链模型 | 长链模型 |
天然 橡胶 | 顺-1,4-聚异戊二烯 | 单链 | 长链 |
丁苯 橡胶 | 苯乙烯 1,3-丁二烯 | 单链 | 长链 |
顺丁 橡胶 | 顺-1,4-聚丁二烯 | 单链 | 长链 |
催化前路径→ 催化后路径 | 反应式 | 催化前能垒E /kJ·mol-1 | 催化后能垒E /kJ·mol-1 | 差值(前-后)?E /kJ·mol-1 |
1→25 | CH2CHC(CH3)CH2 | 496.983 | 489.913 | 7.070 |
2→26 | CH2CHC(CH3)CH2 | 563.528 | 471.695 | 91.833 |
3→27 | CH2CHC(CH3)CH2 | 443.147 | 426.989 | 16.158 |
4→28 | CH2CHCHCH2 | 557.935 | 540.672 | 17.263 |
5→29 | CH2CHCHCH2 | 472.465 | 422.380 | 50.085 |
6→30 | CH2CHCHCH2 | 568.622 | 551.242 | 17.380 |
7→31 | C6H5CHCH2 | 607.728 | 588.120 | 19.608 |
8→32 | C6H5CHCH2 | 567.442 | 548.374 | 19.068 |
9→33 | (1) C6H5CHCH2 | 625.861 | 571.079 | 54.782 |
10→34 | (2) C6H5CHCH2 | 593.822 | 589.774 | 4.048 |
11→35 | (3) C6H5CHCH2 | 605.718 | 597.183 | 8.535 |
12→36 | C6H5CHCH2 | 575.395 | 555.164 | 20.231 |
表2 加入Ni催化剂前后自由基生成能垒
催化前路径→ 催化后路径 | 反应式 | 催化前能垒E /kJ·mol-1 | 催化后能垒E /kJ·mol-1 | 差值(前-后)?E /kJ·mol-1 |
1→25 | CH2CHC(CH3)CH2 | 496.983 | 489.913 | 7.070 |
2→26 | CH2CHC(CH3)CH2 | 563.528 | 471.695 | 91.833 |
3→27 | CH2CHC(CH3)CH2 | 443.147 | 426.989 | 16.158 |
4→28 | CH2CHCHCH2 | 557.935 | 540.672 | 17.263 |
5→29 | CH2CHCHCH2 | 472.465 | 422.380 | 50.085 |
6→30 | CH2CHCHCH2 | 568.622 | 551.242 | 17.380 |
7→31 | C6H5CHCH2 | 607.728 | 588.120 | 19.608 |
8→32 | C6H5CHCH2 | 567.442 | 548.374 | 19.068 |
9→33 | (1) C6H5CHCH2 | 625.861 | 571.079 | 54.782 |
10→34 | (2) C6H5CHCH2 | 593.822 | 589.774 | 4.048 |
11→35 | (3) C6H5CHCH2 | 605.718 | 597.183 | 8.535 |
12→36 | C6H5CHCH2 | 575.395 | 555.164 | 20.231 |
催化前路径→ 催化后路径 | 反应式 | 催化前能垒E /kJ·mol-1 | 催化后能垒E /kJ·mol-1 | 差值(前-后)?E /kJ·mol-1 |
13→37 | CH2CHC(CH3)CH2+H· | 563.377 | 558.412 | 4.965 |
14→38 | CH2CHC(CH3)CH2+H· | 562.737 | 466.852 | 95.885 |
15→39 | CH2CHC(CH3)CH2+H· | 465.693 | 534.293 | -68.600 |
16→40 | CH2CHCHCH2+H· | 555.528 | 548.718 | 6.810 |
17→41 | CH2CHCHCH2+H· | 470.745 | 424.791 | 45.954 |
18→42 | CH2CHCHCH2+H· | 560.811 | 552.665 | 8.146 |
19→43 | C6H5CHCH2+H· | 605.986 | 596.668 | 9.318 |
20→44 | C6H5CHCH2+H· | 559.744 | 550.074 | 9.670 |
21→45 | (1) C6H5CHCH2+H· | 595.119 | 574.616 | 20.503 |
22→46 | (2) C6H5CHCH2+H· | 594.249 | 585.621 | 8.628 |
23→47 | (3) C6H5CHCH2+H· | 603.500 | 598.502 | 4.998 |
24→48 | C6H5CHCH2+H· | 569.472 | 555.126 | 14.346 |
表3 加入Ni催化剂前后H基攻击单体能垒
催化前路径→ 催化后路径 | 反应式 | 催化前能垒E /kJ·mol-1 | 催化后能垒E /kJ·mol-1 | 差值(前-后)?E /kJ·mol-1 |
13→37 | CH2CHC(CH3)CH2+H· | 563.377 | 558.412 | 4.965 |
14→38 | CH2CHC(CH3)CH2+H· | 562.737 | 466.852 | 95.885 |
15→39 | CH2CHC(CH3)CH2+H· | 465.693 | 534.293 | -68.600 |
16→40 | CH2CHCHCH2+H· | 555.528 | 548.718 | 6.810 |
17→41 | CH2CHCHCH2+H· | 470.745 | 424.791 | 45.954 |
18→42 | CH2CHCHCH2+H· | 560.811 | 552.665 | 8.146 |
19→43 | C6H5CHCH2+H· | 605.986 | 596.668 | 9.318 |
20→44 | C6H5CHCH2+H· | 559.744 | 550.074 | 9.670 |
21→45 | (1) C6H5CHCH2+H· | 595.119 | 574.616 | 20.503 |
22→46 | (2) C6H5CHCH2+H· | 594.249 | 585.621 | 8.628 |
23→47 | (3) C6H5CHCH2+H· | 603.500 | 598.502 | 4.998 |
24→48 | C6H5CHCH2+H· | 569.472 | 555.126 | 14.346 |
路径 | ZSM-5催化前 能垒E/kJ·mol-1 | ZSM-5催化后 能垒E/kJ·mol-1 | ZSM-5差值?E(前-后) /kJ·mol-1 | Ni/ZSM-5催化前 能垒E/kJ·mol-1 | Ni/ZSM-5催化后 能垒E/kJ·mol-1 | Ni/ZSM-5差值?E(前-后) /kJ·mol-1 |
1 | 496.983 | 538.039 | -41.056 | 496.983 | 514.535 | -17.552 |
2 | 563.528 | 563.264 | 0.264 | 563.528 | 557.316 | 6.212 |
3 | 443.147 | 516.820 | -73.673 | 443.147 | 501.211 | -58.064 |
4 | 557.935 | 560.108 | -2.173 | 557.935 | 554.662 | 3.273 |
5 | 472.465 | 483.454 | -10.988 | 472.465 | 468.531 | 3.934 |
6 | 568.622 | 547.395 | 21.227 | 568.622 | 543.058 | 25.564 |
7 | 607.728 | 595.726 | 12.002 | 607.728 | 593.713 | 14.015 |
8 | 567.442 | 568.036 | -0.594 | 567.442 | 560.853 | 6.589 |
9 | 625.861 | 585.312 | 40.549 | 625.861 | 577.266 | 48.595 |
10 | 593.822 | 586.593 | 7.229 | 593.822 | 586.341 | 7.481 |
11 | 605.718 | 595.927 | 9.791 | 605.718 | 595.153 | 10.565 |
12 | 575.395 | 573.566 | 1.829 | 575.395 | 567.689 | 7.706 |
表4 加入ZSM-5、Ni/ZSM-5催化剂前后自由基生成能垒
路径 | ZSM-5催化前 能垒E/kJ·mol-1 | ZSM-5催化后 能垒E/kJ·mol-1 | ZSM-5差值?E(前-后) /kJ·mol-1 | Ni/ZSM-5催化前 能垒E/kJ·mol-1 | Ni/ZSM-5催化后 能垒E/kJ·mol-1 | Ni/ZSM-5差值?E(前-后) /kJ·mol-1 |
1 | 496.983 | 538.039 | -41.056 | 496.983 | 514.535 | -17.552 |
2 | 563.528 | 563.264 | 0.264 | 563.528 | 557.316 | 6.212 |
3 | 443.147 | 516.820 | -73.673 | 443.147 | 501.211 | -58.064 |
4 | 557.935 | 560.108 | -2.173 | 557.935 | 554.662 | 3.273 |
5 | 472.465 | 483.454 | -10.988 | 472.465 | 468.531 | 3.934 |
6 | 568.622 | 547.395 | 21.227 | 568.622 | 543.058 | 25.564 |
7 | 607.728 | 595.726 | 12.002 | 607.728 | 593.713 | 14.015 |
8 | 567.442 | 568.036 | -0.594 | 567.442 | 560.853 | 6.589 |
9 | 625.861 | 585.312 | 40.549 | 625.861 | 577.266 | 48.595 |
10 | 593.822 | 586.593 | 7.229 | 593.822 | 586.341 | 7.481 |
11 | 605.718 | 595.927 | 9.791 | 605.718 | 595.153 | 10.565 |
12 | 575.395 | 573.566 | 1.829 | 575.395 | 567.689 | 7.706 |
路径 | ZSM-5催化前 能垒E/kJ·mol-1 | ZSM-5催化后 能垒E/kJ·mol-1 | ZSM-5差值?E(前-后) /kJ·mol-1 | Ni/ZSM-5催化前 能垒E /kJ·mol-1 | Ni/ZSM-5催化后 能垒E /kJ·mol-1 | Ni/ZSM-5差值?E(前-后) /kJ·mol-1 |
13 | 563.377 | 551.610 | 11.767 | 563.377 | 512.982 | 50.395 |
14 | 562.737 | 485.404 | 77.333 | 562.737 | 563.570 | -0.833 |
15 | 465.693 | 429.513 | 36.180 | 465.693 | 431.711 | 33.982 |
16 | 555.528 | 561.711 | -6.183 | 555.528 | 553.184 | 2.344 |
17 | 470.745 | 458.099 | 12.646 | 470.745 | 441.238 | 29.507 |
18 | 560.811 | 537.675 | 23.136 | 560.811 | 546.240 | 14.571 |
19 | 605.986 | 599.984 | 6.002 | 605.986 | 606.070 | -0.084 |
20 | 559.744 | 579.891 | -20.147 | 559.744 | 550.765 | 8.979 |
21 | 595.119 | 598.029 | -2.910 | 595.119 | 590.540 | 4.579 |
22 | 594.249 | 588.556 | 5.693 | 594.249 | 586.053 | 8.196 |
23 | 603.500 | 602.583 | 0.917 | 603.500 | 598.740 | 4.760 |
24 | 569.472 | 585.647 | -16.175 | 569.472 | 567.295 | 2.177 |
表5 加入ZSM-5、Ni/ZSM-5催化剂前后H基攻击单体能垒
路径 | ZSM-5催化前 能垒E/kJ·mol-1 | ZSM-5催化后 能垒E/kJ·mol-1 | ZSM-5差值?E(前-后) /kJ·mol-1 | Ni/ZSM-5催化前 能垒E /kJ·mol-1 | Ni/ZSM-5催化后 能垒E /kJ·mol-1 | Ni/ZSM-5差值?E(前-后) /kJ·mol-1 |
13 | 563.377 | 551.610 | 11.767 | 563.377 | 512.982 | 50.395 |
14 | 562.737 | 485.404 | 77.333 | 562.737 | 563.570 | -0.833 |
15 | 465.693 | 429.513 | 36.180 | 465.693 | 431.711 | 33.982 |
16 | 555.528 | 561.711 | -6.183 | 555.528 | 553.184 | 2.344 |
17 | 470.745 | 458.099 | 12.646 | 470.745 | 441.238 | 29.507 |
18 | 560.811 | 537.675 | 23.136 | 560.811 | 546.240 | 14.571 |
19 | 605.986 | 599.984 | 6.002 | 605.986 | 606.070 | -0.084 |
20 | 559.744 | 579.891 | -20.147 | 559.744 | 550.765 | 8.979 |
21 | 595.119 | 598.029 | -2.910 | 595.119 | 590.540 | 4.579 |
22 | 594.249 | 588.556 | 5.693 | 594.249 | 586.053 | 8.196 |
23 | 603.500 | 602.583 | 0.917 | 603.500 | 598.740 | 4.760 |
24 | 569.472 | 585.647 | -16.175 | 569.472 | 567.295 | 2.177 |
不同比例 (橡胶∶催化剂) | 1100K时热解情况 | 1500K时热解情况 |
1∶0 | ![]() | ![]() |
5∶1 | ![]() | ![]() |
3∶1 | ![]() | ![]() |
1∶1 | ![]() | ![]() |
表6 低温阶段热解情况
不同比例 (橡胶∶催化剂) | 1100K时热解情况 | 1500K时热解情况 |
1∶0 | ![]() | ![]() |
5∶1 | ![]() | ![]() |
3∶1 | ![]() | ![]() |
1∶1 | ![]() | ![]() |
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