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  1. 1. 华北电力大学
    2. 中国科学院工程热物理研究所
  • 收稿日期:2020-11-18 修回日期:2021-01-21 发布日期:2021-03-02
  • 通讯作者: 陈宏霞
  • 基金资助:

Startup and heat transfer performance of medium temperature cesium heat pipe

  • Received:2020-11-18 Revised:2021-01-21 Published:2021-03-02

摘要: 目前制备并研究的中高温热管主要为钠、钾热管,对铯热管的启动性能及传热性能少有报道。本文加工一种中温铯热管;采用高频加热器加热系统控制热流密度,并通过数据采集系统测量外壁温度,对其启动及传热性能进行了研究。实验结果表明,在加热热流密度q =18.04w/cm2时,铯热管启动过程温度演变规律类似于钠热管;绝热段最低温度与蒸发段顶端温度相差30℃,证明热管达到声速极限。同时,实验数据证明利用Kn=1计算铯热管转变温度更准确。此外,不同散热方式对热管启动速度、稳定温度有较大影响,但对转变温度基本无影响。在加热功率小于67w/cm2、稳定温度小于586℃时,全管范围内最大温度之差均小于7℃,且有效长度为100%,表现出优异的换热性能和均温性。

关键词: 铯热管, 传热, 两相流, 启动性能, 均温性

Abstract: Heat pipes with sodium and potassium as working fluids has been used in medium-high temperature heat pipes. There are few reports on the startup and heat transfer performance of cesium heat pipe. This study processes a medium temperature cesium heat pipe. The heat flux is controlled by the high frequency heating system and the wall temperature is measured by the data acquisition system to study its performance. The results show that the temperature revolutions at startup stage are similar for cesium and sodium heat pipe when heat flux q=18.04w/cm2; The maximum temperature difference between the adiabatic section and the evaporation section reaches 30℃ , which shows the phenomenon of the sonic limitation. Meanwhile, the experimental data proves the calculation of the transition temperature with Kn=1 is more accurate for cesium heat pipe. In addition, heat dissipation styles have great influence on the starting speed and stable temperature of the heat pipe, but no influence on the transition temperature. When the heating power is below 67W /cm2 with the stable temperature less than 586℃, the maximum temperature difference along the whole tube is lower than 7℃, and the effective length is 100%, showing excellent heat exchange performance and temperature uniformity.

Key words: cesium heat pipe, heat transfer, two phase flow, startup performance, temperature uniformity


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