化工进展 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (4): 1812-1826.DOI: 10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2020-0830
BIAN Jiang(), CAO Xuewen(
), SUN Wenjuan, YANG Wen, JIANG Wenming
CAO Xuewen
边江, 曹学文, 孙文娟, 杨文, 蒋文明. 气体超声速凝结与旋流分离研究进展[J]. 化工进展, 2021, 40(4): 1812-1826.
BIAN Jiang, CAO Xuewen, SUN Wenjuan, YANG Wen, JIANG Wenming. A review on condensation and swirl separation of supersonic gas[J]. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2021, 40(4): 1812-1826.
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