化工进展 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (12): 6729-6737.DOI: 10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2021-0229
MA Guanxiang(), YANG Ling, WANG Ting-jie(
WANG Ting-jie
马冠香, 杨令, 王亭杰. 聚多巴胺修饰纳米SiO2颗粒[J]. 化工进展, 2021, 40(12): 6729-6737.
MA Guanxiang, YANG Ling, WANG Ting-jie. Surface modification of silica nanoparticles using polydopamine[J]. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2021, 40(12): 6729-6737.
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