化工进展 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (8): 4127-4134.DOI: 10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2020-1784
WANG Junliang(), YANG Lili, LIN Chunmian, PAN Zhiyan(
PAN Zhiyan
王军良, 杨丽丽, 林春绵, 潘志彦. 超临界二氧化碳化学反应研究进展[J]. 化工进展, 2021, 40(8): 4127-4134.
WANG Junliang, YANG Lili, LIN Chunmian, PAN Zhiyan. Research progress of supercritical carbon dioxide in chemical reactions[J]. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2021, 40(8): 4127-4134.
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