化工进展 ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (9): 4227-4237.DOI: 10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2019-0089
徐俊,朱雯喆,谢丽. 生物强化技术对厌氧消化特性影响研究进展[J]. 化工进展, 2019, 38(9): 4227-4237.
Jun XU,Wenzhe ZHU,Li XIE. Effect of bioaugmentation on the performance of anaerobic digestion: a review[J]. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2019, 38(9): 4227-4237.
类型 | 强化剂名称或来源 | 作用 | 参考文献 | |
甲烷产量/% | 甲烷产率/% | |||
细菌 | P. xylanivorans Mz5T | +17.8 | [ | |
C. cellulovorans | +3.9 | |||
F. succinogenes S85 | +1.9 | |||
P. xylanivorans Mz5T and F. succinogenes S85 | +6.9 | |||
C. cellulovorans and F. succinogenes S85 | +4.2 | |||
SRB | + | [ | ||
真菌 | P. ostreatus | + | [ | |
细菌和真菌 | Culture of Yeast(Saccharomyces cerevisiae sp., Coccidioides immitis sp. and Hansenula anomala sp.)、Cellulose-decomposing bacteria(Bacillus licheniformis sp.,Pseudomonas sp., Bacillus subtilis sp., and Pleurotus florida sp.)and Lactobacillus deiliehii sp.Yeast | +11.28~42.02 | +26.7~75.57 | [ |
古菌 | Methanoculleus bourgensis MS2T | +31.3 | [ |
表1 细菌、真菌、古菌强化技术对厌氧消化特性的影响
类型 | 强化剂名称或来源 | 作用 | 参考文献 | |
甲烷产量/% | 甲烷产率/% | |||
细菌 | P. xylanivorans Mz5T | +17.8 | [ | |
C. cellulovorans | +3.9 | |||
F. succinogenes S85 | +1.9 | |||
P. xylanivorans Mz5T and F. succinogenes S85 | +6.9 | |||
C. cellulovorans and F. succinogenes S85 | +4.2 | |||
SRB | + | [ | ||
真菌 | P. ostreatus | + | [ | |
细菌和真菌 | Culture of Yeast(Saccharomyces cerevisiae sp., Coccidioides immitis sp. and Hansenula anomala sp.)、Cellulose-decomposing bacteria(Bacillus licheniformis sp.,Pseudomonas sp., Bacillus subtilis sp., and Pleurotus florida sp.)and Lactobacillus deiliehii sp.Yeast | +11.28~42.02 | +26.7~75.57 | [ |
古菌 | Methanoculleus bourgensis MS2T | +31.3 | [ |
强化剂名称或来源 | 作用阶段 | 产气特性/% | 参考文献 | |
水解 阶段 | 产氢产 乙酸阶段 | |||
Caldicellulosiruptor lactoaceticus 和 Dictyoglomus | √ | +10~24 | [ | |
Cellulose-degrading strain F2 | √ | +16.87 | [ | |
Phylum Bacteroidetes | √ | √ | +19~23 | [ |
Caldicellulosyruptor saccharolyticus | √ | 160~170 | [ | |
Phanerochaete chrysosporium | √ | + | [ | |
Neocallimastix sp. (hyphael monocentric) 和 Orpynomyces sp. (hyphael polycentric) | √ | +68.7~126.2 | [ | |
P. rhizinflata YM600 | √ | + | [ | |
genus Clostridium | √ | +56 | [ | |
Culture of Rikenellaceae、Clostridiaceae、Porphyromonadaceae、Bacteroidaceae 和 Ruminococcaceae | √ | √ | +109 | [ |
CRE、GRE、SRE | √ | +20~36 | [ |
表2 生物强化技术对木质纤维素底物厌氧消化特性的影响
强化剂名称或来源 | 作用阶段 | 产气特性/% | 参考文献 | |
水解 阶段 | 产氢产 乙酸阶段 | |||
Caldicellulosiruptor lactoaceticus 和 Dictyoglomus | √ | +10~24 | [ | |
Cellulose-degrading strain F2 | √ | +16.87 | [ | |
Phylum Bacteroidetes | √ | √ | +19~23 | [ |
Caldicellulosyruptor saccharolyticus | √ | 160~170 | [ | |
Phanerochaete chrysosporium | √ | + | [ | |
Neocallimastix sp. (hyphael monocentric) 和 Orpynomyces sp. (hyphael polycentric) | √ | +68.7~126.2 | [ | |
P. rhizinflata YM600 | √ | + | [ | |
genus Clostridium | √ | +56 | [ | |
Culture of Rikenellaceae、Clostridiaceae、Porphyromonadaceae、Bacteroidaceae 和 Ruminococcaceae | √ | √ | +109 | [ |
CRE、GRE、SRE | √ | +20~36 | [ |
强化剂名称或来源 | 作用阶段 | 产气 特性/% | 参考文献 | |
产氢产 乙酸阶段 | 产甲烷阶段 | |||
Methanoculleus bourgensis MS2T | √ | +31 | [ | |
Culture of Clostridium ultunense sp. Esp JCM16670、Tepidanaerobacter acetatoxydans DSM 21804、Syntrophaceticus schinkii JCM16669 和 Methanoculleus sp. strain MAB1 | √ | — | [ | |
Culture of Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus (DSM 3720) 和 Methanosarcina thermophila (DSM 1825) | √ | + | [ | |
Culture of Methanoculleus spp.、 Tepidimicrobium spp.、 Aminobacterium spp.、 Petrimonas spp. 和 Defluviitoga spp. | √ | +40 | [ | |
Culture of Methanosaetaceae、 Methanospirillum 和 Methanosphaerula | √ | √ | + | [ |
Culture of Methanosaet、Methanoculleus 和 Methanospirillum | √ | √ | +25~60 | [ |
表3 生物强化技术对受限制类底物厌氧消化的影响
强化剂名称或来源 | 作用阶段 | 产气 特性/% | 参考文献 | |
产氢产 乙酸阶段 | 产甲烷阶段 | |||
Methanoculleus bourgensis MS2T | √ | +31 | [ | |
Culture of Clostridium ultunense sp. Esp JCM16670、Tepidanaerobacter acetatoxydans DSM 21804、Syntrophaceticus schinkii JCM16669 和 Methanoculleus sp. strain MAB1 | √ | — | [ | |
Culture of Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus (DSM 3720) 和 Methanosarcina thermophila (DSM 1825) | √ | + | [ | |
Culture of Methanoculleus spp.、 Tepidimicrobium spp.、 Aminobacterium spp.、 Petrimonas spp. 和 Defluviitoga spp. | √ | +40 | [ | |
Culture of Methanosaetaceae、 Methanospirillum 和 Methanosphaerula | √ | √ | + | [ |
Culture of Methanosaet、Methanoculleus 和 Methanospirillum | √ | √ | +25~60 | [ |
附着类型 | 载体 | 产甲烷特性/% | 作用机理 | 参考文献 |
直接附着型 | 活性炭 | +63~96 | 提供附着场所;强化菌群的多样性和菌落结构 | [ |
沸石 | +36 | 提供了附着载体;改变微生物结构以及生物酶的转化 | [ | |
生物炭 | +45.24 | 提供附着场所 | [ | |
+11 | [ | |||
包埋附着型 | 海泡石 | +200 | 增强微生物适应能力;减少甚至避免微生物在环境中被捕食的可能性 | [ |
海藻酸钠 | + | [ | ||
聚乙烯醇 | + | [ |
表4 附着型强化对生物强化技术作用的影响
附着类型 | 载体 | 产甲烷特性/% | 作用机理 | 参考文献 |
直接附着型 | 活性炭 | +63~96 | 提供附着场所;强化菌群的多样性和菌落结构 | [ |
沸石 | +36 | 提供了附着载体;改变微生物结构以及生物酶的转化 | [ | |
生物炭 | +45.24 | 提供附着场所 | [ | |
+11 | [ | |||
包埋附着型 | 海泡石 | +200 | 增强微生物适应能力;减少甚至避免微生物在环境中被捕食的可能性 | [ |
海藻酸钠 | + | [ | ||
聚乙烯醇 | + | [ |
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