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A review on the effects of extracellular polymeric substance to aerobic granular sludge

YAN Lilong1,LIU Yu1,REN Yuan2   

  1. 1 School of Resource and Environment,Northeast Agricultural University,Harbin 150030,Heilongjiang,China; 2 School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150090, Heilongjiang,China
  • Online:2013-11-05 Published:2013-11-05


闫立龙1,刘 玉1,任 源2   

  1. 1东北农业大学资源与环境学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150030;2哈尔滨工业大学市政环境工程学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150090

Abstract: This paper reviewed the latest research progress of extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) and aerobic granular sludge technology domestically and internationally. Extraction and determination methods of extracellular polymeric substance were introduced. The effects of organic loading,hydraulic shear force,settling time and wastewater quality were analyzed for EPS content. The mechanisms of proteins (PN) and polysaccharides (PS) in EPS on formation and stability and the effect of EPS on granular sludge transfer were discussed. Future study on establishing standard EPS extraction method,mechanisms of EPS components on settleability and effects of other components,including humics,covalent and flocculent inorganics on aerobic granulation,were proposed for mechanisms of EPS on aerobic granular sludge formation and stability.

Key words: extracellular polymeric substance, aerobic granular sludge, influence factors

摘要: 结合国内外对胞外聚合物和好氧颗粒污泥技术的最新研究进展,本文简要介绍了胞外聚合物的提取和测定方法;着重分析了影响EPS含量的主要因素,包括有机负荷、水力剪切力、沉降时间、废水水质等;详细论述了其主要成分蛋白质和多糖以及其对好氧颗粒污泥的形成、结构稳定性作用机理,探讨了EPS对颗粒污泥传质的影响;并提出了建立EPS标准提取方法、EPS组分对污泥沉降性的影响机制以及EPS中其它组分如腐殖质和通过共价、絮凝作用等结合的无机物对好氧颗粒化过程所起的作用进行深入的研究将会是今后的研究重点,进一步的研究有望揭示EPS对好氧颗粒污泥形成和稳定影响的作用机制。

关键词: 胞外聚合物, 好氧颗粒污泥, 影响因素

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