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  1. 1. 清华大学
    2. 清华大学化学工程系生物化工研究所
  • 收稿日期:2020-10-20 修回日期:2020-12-13 发布日期:2021-02-26
  • 通讯作者: 李春
  • 基金资助:

Design and construction of microbial cell factory for biosynthesis of plant natural products

1,LI Chun Li2   

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  • Received:2020-10-20 Revised:2020-12-13 Published:2021-02-26
  • Contact: LI Chun Li

摘要: 植物天然产物具有抗病毒、抗炎症、抗肿瘤以及保肝护肝等多种生理活性,因此被广泛的应用于保健食品、药品以及其他人类健康相关的领域。然而目前植物天然产物的合成依赖于植物提取法,该方法不但消耗植物资源,同时大量有机固体废弃物的产生也带来严重的环境和生态问题。随着国际社会对可持续发展的重视程度加深,因利用微生物细胞工厂合成植物天然产物的方法具有经济可行,环境友好等优势成为当前的研究热点。本文即对植物天然产物的合成途径以及微生物合成天然产物的细胞工厂设计和构建的研究进展进行了综述。

关键词: 植物天然产物, 微生物细胞工厂, 途经重构, 合成生物学

Abstract: Plant natural products equipped with versatile physiological activities such as anti-virus, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, and liver protection, are widely used in health food, pharmaceuticals and other human health-related fields. However, the current production pattern of natural plant products was dominated by phytoextraction, which not only consume a large amount of plant resources, but the generation of vast organic solid waste also brings severe environmental and ecological concerns. As the international community pays more attention to sustainable development, the use of microbial cell factories to synthesize plant natural products, which is economically feasible and environmentally friendly, have become current research hotspots. This article reviews the research progress of pathway design and reconstruction for synthesizing plant natural products by microbial cell factories.

Key words: Plant natural products, Microbial cell factories, Pathway reconstruction, Synthetic biology


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