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  1. 清华大学化学工程系;河南天冠企业集团有限公司
  • 出版日期:2009-12-05 发布日期:2009-12-05

Development and application of a simulation model for fuel ethanol production system

ZHANG Zhiqiang,HU Shanying,CHEN Dingjiang,SHEN Jingzhu,DU Fengguang   

  1. Department of Chemical Engineering,Tsinghua University;Tianguan Enterprise Group Company Limited
  • Online:2009-12-05 Published:2009-12-05

摘要: 对典型燃料乙醇系统进行了分析,阐述了目前该系统相关全流程模拟模型的不足以及由非线性和复杂性等特征导致的系统建模难点。在此基础上,运用VC#编程工具和SQLSERVE开发了全新的燃料乙醇系统模拟平台,该平台可模拟燃料乙醇实际生产过程,能够从物质流、能量流、水流、价值流等方面对系统开展工业生态学分析。最后利用实际生产过程中出现的两个问题案例对平台进行了检验。

Abstract: Based on the analysis of a typical fuel ethanol production systemand the disadvantage of current simulation models as well as the modelling difficulties caused from system characteristicse.g. non-linear and complexitya simulation platform for fuel ethanol production system is developed using VC # programming tools and SQLSERVE. This developed simulation platform can simulate the actual fuel ethanol production processand can carry out a full-range system analysis of industrial ecology from the aspects of material flowenergy flowwater flow and value flow etc. Finallythe functionality of this developed simulation platform was verified by using two cases happened in real production.

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