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  1. 仲恺农业工程学院绿色化工研究所
  • 出版日期:2008-09-05 发布日期:2008-09-05

Progress of development and utilization of feather keratin

CHEN Xunjun,YIN Guoqiang,CUI Yingde   

  1. Institute of Green Chemical Engineering,Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering
  • Online:2008-09-05 Published:2008-09-05

摘要: 羽毛角蛋白是家禽加工企业产生的废弃物,直接丢弃不仅浪费了蛋白质资源同时也污染了环境。羽毛角蛋白的开发利用近年来引起了普遍兴趣。本文对羽毛角蛋白的提取及其应用开发研究进展进行了总结评述,指出羽毛角蛋白主要用于动物饲料、可食性包装材料和制备复合材料,也可以与其它单体共聚改性,提高材料的可生物降解性。开发非饲料用高性能羽毛蛋白复合材料和改性材料是今后这方面研究的主要方向。

Abstract: Feather keratin (FK) is the waste of poultry industry and will cause environmental problems if it is disposed directly. Recently,the exploitation and utilization of FK has aroused wide interest. The progress of the methods of the extracting soluble feather keratin and the utilization of FK are summarized. FK is mainly used in animal feed,edible packaging materials and composite materials. It can also be used in the modification of polymers,such as polyacrylic acid to increase biodegradability. Utilization of FK as non-feed material,such as FK composite materials and FK modified materials is the future direction of research.

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