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  1. 海军工程大学
  • 出版日期:2008-09-05 发布日期:2008-09-05

Research progress of removing metal ions from wastewater by micellar enhanced ultrafiltration

YAO Qingxu,JIA Mingchun,WANG Xiaowei   

  1. Naval University of Engineering
  • Online:2008-09-05 Published:2008-09-05

摘要: 胶束强化超滤技术(MEUF)作为一种新兴的含金属废水处理技术,有着较好的应用前景。通过总结前人的研究结果,综合讨论了影响金属离子截留效果的各个因素,为优化MEUF提出了一些建议。并就当前采用胶束强化超滤法处理金属离子技术的最新发展与表面活性剂的循环再利用作了简要的介绍。

Abstract: As a novel method of separation,micellar enhanced ultrafiltration (MEUF) is applicable to purifying wastewater,especially in dealing with the effluents containing low levels of metal ions. The main factors of MEUF are introduced in detail by summarizing prior research,and the limitation and the direction of optimizing the process are also discussed. The recent development of MEUF as well as the research on surfactants recovery is also introduced.

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