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周康群,刘 晖,崔英德,孙彦富,周遗品   

  1. 仲恺农业技术学院环境科学与工程系
  • 出版日期:2007-07-25 发布日期:2007-07-25

Multiplication/characteristic inducement of simultaneously denitrifying,phosphorus removing bacteria from A2/O anaerobic sludge and single bacterium

ZHOU Kangqun,LIU Hui,CUI Yingde,SUN Yanfu,ZHOU Yipin   

  1. Department of Environment Science and Engineering,Zhongkai Agrotechnical College
  • Online:2007-07-25 Published:2007-07-25

摘要: 研究了A2/O厌氧池中具有同步反硝化聚磷功能菌的增殖及诱导前后种群和功能变化。结果表明:经过增殖,设备中反硝化聚磷菌的数量由4.1×103个/mL增加为2.7×106个/mL,磷酸盐的去除率也由38.5%提高到95.1%;诱导后分离到4株假单胞菌属、2株肠杆菌科、1株气单胞菌属、1株葡萄球菌属和1株土壤杆菌属;假单胞菌属、肠杆菌科和葡萄球菌属都是DPB菌,但假单胞菌属的反硝化聚磷功能最强,肠杆菌科的聚磷功能较强,而葡萄球菌属最弱,气单胞菌属和土壤杆菌属既是聚磷菌又是反硝化菌,但不是DPB菌;作为DPB菌应同步具有硝酸盐还原和聚磷的双重生化特性。

Abstract: The multiplication of denitrifying,phosphorus removing bacteria (DPB) in the anaerobic stage of A2/O and species/function change of the bacteria before and after inducement were studied. After multiplication,the amount of denitrifying,phosphorus removing bacteria increased from 4.1×103 cell·mL-1 to 2.7×106 cell·mL-1. The removal efficiency of phosphate increased from 38.5% to 95.1%. After inducement four Pseudomonas sp.,two Enterobacteriaceae sp.,one Aeromonas sp.,one staphylococcus sp. and one Agrobacterium sp. were isolated. The Pseudomonas sp., Enterobacteriaceae sp. and staphylococcus sp. belonged to simultaneously DPB,but the function of Pseudomonas sp. was the best,Enterobacteriaceae sp. was middle,and staphylococcus sp. was the worst. Aeromonas sp. and Agrobacterium sp. belonged to phosphorus accumulating and denitrifying bacteria,but were not simultaneously DPB. The identification of simultaneously DPB must accumulate phosphate and deoxidize nitrate simultaneously.

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