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  1. 中国科学技术信息研究所
  • 出版日期:2007-07-25 发布日期:2007-07-25

Estimation of processing energy efficiency from biomass to ethanol

DUAN Liping   

  1. Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China
  • Online:2007-07-25 Published:2007-07-25

摘要: 介绍了美国国家可再生实验室对木质纤维素生物质生产燃料乙醇的能量效率的模拟结果,并应用该模拟结果,估算了不同的原料、不同的生产工艺(如糖化发酵时间和精馏方式),各个生产单元的过程能耗。这些估算结果有助于选择较为合适的原料和生产工艺。

Abstract: The energy efficiency and ethanol output are the mayor indicators of the biomass-to-ethanol process. In this paper the simulation result of energy efficiency from lignocellulosic biomass to ethanol was introduced,and the process simulation result was used to estimate the energy efficiency of the different biomass raw materials and different processes. According to the energy efficiency estimation,the process and biomass feed,such as saccharification and fermentation time,distillation process,would be devised more efficiently.

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