
• 进展与述评 •    下一篇


曹 湘 洪


  1. 中国石油化工集团公司
  • 出版日期:2007-07-25 发布日期:2007-07-25

Thoughts on the countermeasures towards the healthy development of Chinese bio-energy industry

CAO Xianghong   

  • Online:2007-07-25 Published:2007-07-25

摘要: 综述了发展生物能源产业有利于缓解我国对国际石油资源的过度依赖,减排CO2,减少白色污染,促进社会主义新农村建设。评述了我国有发展生物能源产业的巨大资源潜力。分析了发展生物能源产业必须具备相应的资源条件、技术条件和体制条件,目前我国这些条件均不成熟。提出了实现生物能源产业的健康发展应注意:生物能源资源是唯一可再生的含碳能源,生产运输燃料及生物化工产品是其最佳利用途径;重视培育生物油藻及选育其他优质高产生物质品种,夯实发展生物能源产业的资源基础;坚持生物反应和化学反应、生物过程和化工过程、技术开发与装备开发结合,加强生物质工业转化技术开发;通用的规模经济的概念不适合生物能源产业,要探索建立“适度规模、就近转化、统筹规划、模块建设、分散生产、集中营销”的产业发展模式。

Abstract: To develop bio-energy is conductive to relieving China’s heavy dependence on international oil resources, carbon mitigation, white pollutants reduction, and the building of the new socialist countryside. China holds great resource potential for bio-energy development. Necessary resources, technologies and systems should be available to develop bio-energy in China. Currently, however, China is too unfledged to have fully developed conditions. It is required to pay attention to the following issues while developing bio-energy industry in a healthy fashion.
Bio-energy represents the only renewable carbon-bearing energy. It is the best utilization to apply it to producing transportation fuels and bio-chemicals;It is imperative to give priority to the cultivation of biological algae and selective development of other high-yield species, so as to cement the foundation for bio-energy industry; It is required to integrate biological reaction with chemical reaction, bio process with chemical process, and technology research and development with unit development. The biomass technology is to be further developed for commercialization;conventional concept on economy of scales is not suitable for bio-energy industry. Thus it is expected to create an industrial development modality featuring moderate scale, adjacent technology transfer, comprehensive planning, module development, distributed production, and centralized marketing.

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