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  1. 1. 中国矿业大学(北京)
    2. 中国矿业大学(北京)化学与环境工程学院
  • 收稿日期:2020-05-22 修回日期:2020-06-14 发布日期:2021-02-26
  • 通讯作者: 初茉
  • 基金资助:

The industrial application progress of lignite pyrolysis technology in eastern area of Inner Mongolia, China

  • Received:2020-05-22 Revised:2020-06-14 Published:2021-02-26

摘要: 蒙东褐煤占我国褐煤储量的83%,是蒙东地区的主要能源。低温热解技术条件温和、产品用途广、经济效益高,是加工蒙东褐煤的主要途径,但由于褐煤块煤率低、含水量高、热碎严重等特性,以及现行环保产业政策持续趋紧,使褐煤低温热解工业化项目存在生产连续性差、效益低、环保不达标等问题。本文介绍了目前蒙东地区应用的热解技术包括低阶煤转化技术(LCC)、连续干馏热解定位提质技术(LCP)、带式炉低温干馏技术、GF-1型褐煤提质技术、SJ低温干馏方炉热解技术和气-固错流热解技术,分析了各项技术的运行情况、优势和不足。通过对比各项技术在原料要求、传热方式、熄焦方式、能量利用率、产品性质等方面的特点,明确了各项热解技术的炉型选择、原料煤粒度、热解产品利用等方向,提出了蒙东褐煤热解技术的工业化应用过程中需实现原料优化、能量优化、产品多元化和废弃物资源化的发展要求。

关键词: 褐煤, 热解, 工业应用, 能量优化, 生产, 多元化, 资源化

Abstract: Lignite in eastern area of Inner Mongolia accounts for 83% of China's lignite reserves and is also the main energy source in this area. Low temperature pyrolysis of coal has the advantages of mild process conditions, extensive product usage and high profitability, which is the main method used for lignite processing. While, lignite usually has low lump coal ratio and high moisture content, and it also fragments obviously during thermal processing. With the current environmental protection policy becoming more and more serious, leading to low benefit, unqualified pollution discharge and discontinuous operation of lignite pyrolysis plants. This article introduces lignite pyrolysis technologies that have come into industrial application in eastern area of Inner Mongolia as follows: low-rank coal conversion technology(LCC), localizing continuous pyrolysis technology(LCP), belt-furnace lignite upgrade technology, GF-1 lignite upgrade technology, SJ low-temperature drying furnace technology and gas-coal cross-flow pyrolysis technology. Then, the operation state, advantages and drawbacks are also presented. By comparing the raw material requirements, heat transfer modes, coke quenching methods, heat utilization efficiency and product properties of these technologies, we propose the future development direction as raw material optimization, heat optimization, product diversification and waste reclamation, to achieve the industrial application of lignite pyrolysis in eastern area of Inner Mongolia, China.

Key words: lignite, pyrolysis, industrial application, heat optimization, production, product diversification, waste reclamation.


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