Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (1): 57-66.DOI: 10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2020-0358
• Chemical processes and equipment • Previous Articles Next Articles
Xiaoguang FAN1(), Lei YANG2, Min ZHANG1(
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Xiaoguang FAN, Lei YANG, Min ZHANG. Saturated pool boiling with HFE-7100 on a smooth copper surface under different pressures[J]. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2021, 40(1): 57-66.
范晓光, 杨磊, 张敏. 不同压力下HFE-7100在光滑铜基表面的饱和池沸腾传热实验[J]. 化工进展, 2021, 40(1): 57-66.
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作者 | 模型关联式 |
Rohsenow(1952)[ | |
Forster和Zuber(1955)[ | |
Stephan和Abdelsalam(1980)[ | |
Cooper(1984)[ | |
Gorenflo和Kenning(2010)[ | |
Jabardo等(2004)[ | |
Li等(2014)[ | |
Kim等(2016)[ | |
Zuber(1958)[ | |
Kutateladze(1948)[ | |
Guan等(2011)[ | |
Mudawar等(1997)[ | |
Bailey等(2006)[ | |
Kim等(2007)[ | |
Kandlikar(2001)[ | |
Liter和Kaviany(2001)[ |
作者 | 模型关联式 |
Rohsenow(1952)[ | |
Forster和Zuber(1955)[ | |
Stephan和Abdelsalam(1980)[ | |
Cooper(1984)[ | |
Gorenflo和Kenning(2010)[ | |
Jabardo等(2004)[ | |
Li等(2014)[ | |
Kim等(2016)[ | |
Zuber(1958)[ | |
Kutateladze(1948)[ | |
Guan等(2011)[ | |
Mudawar等(1997)[ | |
Bailey等(2006)[ | |
Kim等(2007)[ | |
Kandlikar(2001)[ | |
Liter和Kaviany(2001)[ |
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