Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress ›› 2019, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (02): 1134-1139.DOI: 10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2018-0921
• Resources and environmental engineering • Previous Articles Next Articles
Shaolin WU(),Wenwen LIU,Zhenhuan WEI,Ying CHEN(
),Dong ZHANG
<named-content content-type="corresp-name">吴绍琳</named-content>(1997—),女,本科生,研究方向为污水生物处理。E-mail: <email></email>。|陈滢,副教授,主要从事水污染控制工程研究。E-mail: <email></email>。
CLC Number:
Shaolin WU, Wenwen LIU, Zhenhuan WEI, Ying CHEN, Dong ZHANG. Effects of sludge discharge stage on SBBR biofilm cultivation[J]. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2019, 38(02): 1134-1139.
吴绍琳, 刘文文, 魏镇欢, 陈滢, 张东. 不同时期排泥对培养SBBR生物膜的影响[J]. 化工进展, 2019, 38(02): 1134-1139.
菌属 | 功能 | A1 | A2 | A3 |
Zoogloea (动胶菌属) | 降解有机物、脱氮除磷[ | 6.77% | 10.01% | 10.42% |
Ferruginibacter (铁锈菌) | 降解有机物[ | 6.21% | 9.50% | 4.62% |
Hydrogenophaga (氢噬胞菌属) | 异养硝化,好氧反硝化[ | 1.16% | 3.25% | 2.26% |
Acidovorax (嗜酸菌属) | 降解有机物[ | 3.17% | 2.97% | 4.47% |
Neisseria (奈瑟菌属) | 降解有机物[ | 2.63% | 2.85% | 1.15% |
Pelomonas (嗜糖假单胞菌属) | 降解有机物[ | 4.18% | 2.54% | 4.70% |
Sphaerotilus (球衣细胞属) | 降解有机物[ | 1.33% | 1.91% | 0.40% |
菌属 | 功能 | A1 | A2 | A3 |
Zoogloea (动胶菌属) | 降解有机物、脱氮除磷[ | 6.77% | 10.01% | 10.42% |
Ferruginibacter (铁锈菌) | 降解有机物[ | 6.21% | 9.50% | 4.62% |
Hydrogenophaga (氢噬胞菌属) | 异养硝化,好氧反硝化[ | 1.16% | 3.25% | 2.26% |
Acidovorax (嗜酸菌属) | 降解有机物[ | 3.17% | 2.97% | 4.47% |
Neisseria (奈瑟菌属) | 降解有机物[ | 2.63% | 2.85% | 1.15% |
Pelomonas (嗜糖假单胞菌属) | 降解有机物[ | 4.18% | 2.54% | 4.70% |
Sphaerotilus (球衣细胞属) | 降解有机物[ | 1.33% | 1.91% | 0.40% |
反应器 | OTUs | Chao1 | Shannon | InvSimpson |
A1 | 553±17 | 758±84 | 4.20±0.12 | 27.5±4.6 |
A2 | 615±32 | 933±99 | 4.47±0.05 | 36.9±3.6 |
A3 | 577±23 | 770±132 | 4.41±0.06 | 36.4±2.3 |
反应器 | OTUs | Chao1 | Shannon | InvSimpson |
A1 | 553±17 | 758±84 | 4.20±0.12 | 27.5±4.6 |
A2 | 615±32 | 933±99 | 4.47±0.05 | 36.9±3.6 |
A3 | 577±23 | 770±132 | 4.41±0.06 | 36.4±2.3 |
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