Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress ›› 2025, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (2): 646-659.DOI: 10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2024-0188

• Chemical processes and equipment • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Pressure drop characteristics of countercurrent microfluidic channels under synergistic effect of electric field and modified PVDF membrane phase separation structure

LUO Xiaoping(), JIA Mengfan, LI Shizhen   

  1. School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, China
  • Received:2024-01-24 Revised:2024-04-08 Online:2025-03-10 Published:2025-02-25
  • Contact: LUO Xiaoping


罗小平(), 贾梦帆, 李世珍   

  1. 华南理工大学机械与汽车工程学院,广东 广州 510640
  • 通讯作者: 罗小平
  • 作者简介:罗小平(1967—),男,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为EHD强化沸腾传热及其控制、微通道换热器相变传热。
  • 基金资助:


In order to solve the problem of rapid volume expansion caused by phase change in the heat transfer process of two-phase flow in microchannels, which triggers the problems of uneven flow rate, pressure drop fluctuation, and local overheating, the flow boiling two-phase pressure drop in countercurrent microchannels with different phase-separated vents densities (PSP00, PSP04, PSP06, PSP10) with and without electric field was investigated. The integrated heat transfer performance of countercurrent microchannels with and without phase-separated structures under the action of different voltages (0, 200V, 400V and 600V) was investigated by introducing the performance evaluation criteria (PEC). The results showed that the greater the density of the vents of the phase-separated structure, the lower the flow resistance and pressure drop in the channel, and the reduction of the two-phase pressure drop was more pronounced with the increase of the heat flow density. The applied electric field increased the pressure drop of two phases in the channel, but the increase of the pressure drop of two phases in the channel was reduced after synergizing with the phase-separated structure, and the pressure drop of two phases in the channel was reduced after applying 600V voltage. Applying 600V to the PSP10 channel with the phase-separated structure reduced the two-phase voltage drop by 14.2% compared to the PSP00 channel without the phase-separated structure. Both the electric field and the phase-separation structure could reduce the length-to-diameter ratio of the confined bubbles in the microfine channel, and the greater the phase-separation pore density and voltage, the smaller the length-to-diameter ratio of the confined bubbles. The electric field alone, the phase separation structure alone, and the combined effect of the electric field and the phase separation structure were all conducive to the improvement of the integrated heat transfer performance PECof the microfabricated channels. Among them, the combined effect of electric field and phase-separated structure was the best, and the larger the density of permeable pores and voltage of phase-separated structure, the larger the PEC. The maximum PEC of the simultaneous action of electric field and phase separation structure (PSP10-600V) was 1.30, which was 13.0% higher than the maximum PEC of the action of electric field alone (PSP00-600V), and 7.4% higher than the maximum PEC of the action of phase separation structure alone (PSP10).

Key words: countercurrent microchannel, modified PVDF membrane, needle electrode, pressure drop, performance evaluation criteria, bubble



关键词: 逆流微通道, 改性PVDF膜, 针状电极, 压降, 性能评估指标, 气泡

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