Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (10): 5660-5669.DOI: 10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2020-2065
• Fine chemicals • Previous Articles Next Articles
LIU Dingyi1,2(), WANG Bingyu1,2,3, LI Shulin1,2, XIE Huifang1,2(
XIE Huifang
刘丁仪1,2(), 王冰玉1,2,3, 李姝霖1,2, 谢慧芳1,2(
CLC Number:
LIU Dingyi, WANG Bingyu, LI Shulin, XIE Huifang. Progress and improvement of inorganic polymer coagulant based on solid waste[J]. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2021, 40(10): 5660-5669.
刘丁仪, 王冰玉, 李姝霖, 谢慧芳. 固废基无机高分子混凝剂研究进展及改进途径[J]. 化工进展, 2021, 40(10): 5660-5669.
原料 | 主要成分含量 | 制备工艺及主要参数 | 应用效果 | 参考文献 |
煤矸石、钢渣 | 煤矸石:A12O3 20.7%,Fe2O3 4.1% 钢渣:A12O3 4.9%,Fe2O3 28.5% | (1)酸浸:1∶1混酸(HCl+HNO3),70~80℃,5h (2)滤液+NaOH调pH=3~4 (3)聚合浓缩 | 印染废水,色度去除率>90%,COD去除率>85%;生活污水:色度和浊度去除率>90% | [ |
煤矸石、钢渣 | 煤矸石:A12O3 22.39%,Fe2O3 4.15%,SiO2 6.98% 钢渣:A12O3 4.98%,Fe2O3 22.63%,SiO2 17.88% | (1)焙烧 (2)酸溶:盐酸110℃ (3)滤液用CaCO3调pH | 洗煤废水,添加助凝剂聚丙烯酰胺,COD去除率98.82%,浊度去除率99.84% | [ |
煤矸石、磁铁矿 | 煤矸石:A12O3 20.16%,Fe2O3 12.44%,SiO2 57.15% | (1)焙烧:800℃,1h (2)酸溶:25%HCl,110℃,2h (3)加CaCO3,调pH≈3 (4)聚合 | 煤泥水,上清液透光率 >90% | [ |
粉煤灰、铝酸钙 | — | (1)酸浸:20%HCl,液固比3mL/g,95℃,回流2h (2)盐基度调整:0.2g/mL铝酸钙,85℃ | — | [ |
粉煤灰、炼铁矿渣 | 粉煤灰:A12O3 17.65%,Fe2O3 3.27%, SiO2 24.34% 炼铁矿渣:A12O3 4.36%,Fe2O3 12.90%, SiO2 13.43% | (1)酸浸:5mol/L HCl,液固比3mL/g,85℃,2h (2)水解聚合:Al/Fe(物质的量之比)= 1∶0.66,加NaOH调碱化度B=3,加NaClO3,80℃,2h (3)陈化:30℃,12h | 煤泥水,上清液透光率95%;投加量为100mg/L时,与PAC相比,透光率提高22.6% | [ |
高炉灰、铝渣 | 高炉灰:Fe 40.18%,Al 3.85%, Si 5.79% 铝渣:Al 94.36%,Si 1.83% | (1)酸浸:高炉灰(加NaF、HNO3,18%HCl,液固比3mL/g,90℃,3h)和铝渣(18%HCl,液固比15mL/g,室温,2.5h) (2)共聚:Al/Fe=7∶3,加NaOH调碱化度 B=1.8,60~70℃,铝预聚1.0h,加铝铁共聚3.0h | 高岭土和活性红染料模拟水样,浊度去除率>98%,色度去除率>75%;投加量为5mL/g时,与PAC相比,除浊率提高12.5%;投加量50mg/L时,脱色率提高15.1% | [ |
高岭土 | A12O3 35.12%,Fe2O3 6.42%,SiO2 51.12% | (1)焙烧:750℃,2.5h (2)酸溶:20%HCl,液固比6mL/g,90℃,2.5h (3)聚合:加H2O2,NaOH调pH=4,60℃,2h (4)熟化24h,浓缩 | 高岭土模拟水样,浊度去除率93.32%,COD去除率82.10%,色度去除率71% | [ |
高岭土尾矿 | — | (1)煅烧:650℃,2h (2)酸溶:15%HCl,固液比1∶3,85℃,2h (3)聚合:加CaO调盐基度,55℃,10h (4)浓缩:旋转蒸发 | 碱减量车间废水COD去除率90%;卷染废水COD去除率80%;生化出水COD去除率78% | [ |
拜尔赤泥 | O 37.12%,Fe 35.61%, Al 11.33%,Si 5.16% | (1)焙烧:550℃,4h,研磨 (2)二次酸浸:6mol HCl,液固比5mL/g,90℃,1.5h (3)聚合:加NaOH (4)静置陈化,烘干 | 市政污水:浊度、COD、总磷(TP)和磷酸盐去除率分别为66.9%、52.1%、73.8%和77.7%;投加量为200mg/L时,与PAC相比,浊度、COD去除率分别提高6.5%和11.8%,TP和磷酸盐去除效果相当 | [ |
原料 | 主要成分含量 | 制备工艺及主要参数 | 应用效果 | 参考文献 |
煤矸石、钢渣 | 煤矸石:A12O3 20.7%,Fe2O3 4.1% 钢渣:A12O3 4.9%,Fe2O3 28.5% | (1)酸浸:1∶1混酸(HCl+HNO3),70~80℃,5h (2)滤液+NaOH调pH=3~4 (3)聚合浓缩 | 印染废水,色度去除率>90%,COD去除率>85%;生活污水:色度和浊度去除率>90% | [ |
煤矸石、钢渣 | 煤矸石:A12O3 22.39%,Fe2O3 4.15%,SiO2 6.98% 钢渣:A12O3 4.98%,Fe2O3 22.63%,SiO2 17.88% | (1)焙烧 (2)酸溶:盐酸110℃ (3)滤液用CaCO3调pH | 洗煤废水,添加助凝剂聚丙烯酰胺,COD去除率98.82%,浊度去除率99.84% | [ |
煤矸石、磁铁矿 | 煤矸石:A12O3 20.16%,Fe2O3 12.44%,SiO2 57.15% | (1)焙烧:800℃,1h (2)酸溶:25%HCl,110℃,2h (3)加CaCO3,调pH≈3 (4)聚合 | 煤泥水,上清液透光率 >90% | [ |
粉煤灰、铝酸钙 | — | (1)酸浸:20%HCl,液固比3mL/g,95℃,回流2h (2)盐基度调整:0.2g/mL铝酸钙,85℃ | — | [ |
粉煤灰、炼铁矿渣 | 粉煤灰:A12O3 17.65%,Fe2O3 3.27%, SiO2 24.34% 炼铁矿渣:A12O3 4.36%,Fe2O3 12.90%, SiO2 13.43% | (1)酸浸:5mol/L HCl,液固比3mL/g,85℃,2h (2)水解聚合:Al/Fe(物质的量之比)= 1∶0.66,加NaOH调碱化度B=3,加NaClO3,80℃,2h (3)陈化:30℃,12h | 煤泥水,上清液透光率95%;投加量为100mg/L时,与PAC相比,透光率提高22.6% | [ |
高炉灰、铝渣 | 高炉灰:Fe 40.18%,Al 3.85%, Si 5.79% 铝渣:Al 94.36%,Si 1.83% | (1)酸浸:高炉灰(加NaF、HNO3,18%HCl,液固比3mL/g,90℃,3h)和铝渣(18%HCl,液固比15mL/g,室温,2.5h) (2)共聚:Al/Fe=7∶3,加NaOH调碱化度 B=1.8,60~70℃,铝预聚1.0h,加铝铁共聚3.0h | 高岭土和活性红染料模拟水样,浊度去除率>98%,色度去除率>75%;投加量为5mL/g时,与PAC相比,除浊率提高12.5%;投加量50mg/L时,脱色率提高15.1% | [ |
高岭土 | A12O3 35.12%,Fe2O3 6.42%,SiO2 51.12% | (1)焙烧:750℃,2.5h (2)酸溶:20%HCl,液固比6mL/g,90℃,2.5h (3)聚合:加H2O2,NaOH调pH=4,60℃,2h (4)熟化24h,浓缩 | 高岭土模拟水样,浊度去除率93.32%,COD去除率82.10%,色度去除率71% | [ |
高岭土尾矿 | — | (1)煅烧:650℃,2h (2)酸溶:15%HCl,固液比1∶3,85℃,2h (3)聚合:加CaO调盐基度,55℃,10h (4)浓缩:旋转蒸发 | 碱减量车间废水COD去除率90%;卷染废水COD去除率80%;生化出水COD去除率78% | [ |
拜尔赤泥 | O 37.12%,Fe 35.61%, Al 11.33%,Si 5.16% | (1)焙烧:550℃,4h,研磨 (2)二次酸浸:6mol HCl,液固比5mL/g,90℃,1.5h (3)聚合:加NaOH (4)静置陈化,烘干 | 市政污水:浊度、COD、总磷(TP)和磷酸盐去除率分别为66.9%、52.1%、73.8%和77.7%;投加量为200mg/L时,与PAC相比,浊度、COD去除率分别提高6.5%和11.8%,TP和磷酸盐去除效果相当 | [ |
原料 | 主要成分含量 | 制备工艺及主要参数 | 评价指标或应用效果 | 文献 |
赤铁矿 | — | (1)酸浸:H2SO4,70℃,20h (2)聚合:引入Al3+,105℃,6h,静置数天 | 黄河水,COD去除率>40%,浊度去除 率>99%;投加量为12mg/L时,与PAC相比,浊度、COD去除率分别提高0.6%和40% | [ |
煤矸石 | A12O3 20.91%,Fe2O3 14.31%,SiO2 42.69% | (1)煅烧:850℃,3h (2)酸浸:H2SO4,铝浸出>80%,铁浸出98.6% (3)聚合:加硫酸铝和硫酸铁,Fe2O3/Al2O3=0.5,加1mol/L Na2CO3,调pH=0.8,80oC,6h (4)熟化24h | 高岭土模拟水样,浊度去除率97.3% | [ |
煤矸石 | — | (1)煅烧:750℃,2h (2)酸浸:5.5mol/L H2SO4,90℃,4h,液固比3∶1 (3)聚合:Fe3++Al3+=0.6mol/L,Fe3+/Al3+= 10∶3,pH=0.8,60℃,7h (4)熟化24h | 洗煤废水:加聚丙稀酰胺,余浊<20NTU(1NTU=1mg/L白陶土悬浮体) | [ |
赤泥 | Al 11.33%,Fe 35.61%,Si 5.16%,O 37.12% | (1)焙烧:550℃,4h (2)二次酸浸:35%H2SO4,90℃,2h,液固比5.5mL/g (3)聚合:用NaOH调pH (4)静置陈化、浓缩、烘干 | 生活污水:去浊率95.4%,TP去除率87.4%,COD去除率82.7%;在最佳投加量下,与PAC、聚合氯化铁相比,浊度去除率分别提高12.4%和13.2%;TP去除率分别提高1.9%和1.5%;与聚合氯化铁相比,COD去除率提高5.9% | [ |
铝土浮选尾矿 | A12O3 43.278%,Fe2O3 10.960%,SiO2 28.265% | (1)焙烧:600℃,3h (2)酸浸:45%H2SO4,100℃,3h,液固比5 (3)聚合:加FeSO4、H2O2,20%NaOH调pH=1,85~90℃,4h | 长江水浊度去除率97.23%;生活废水浊度、悬浮物(SS)和COD去除率分别为94.14%、86.85%和26.95%;焦化废水浊度、色度和COD去除率分别为92.35%、63.79%和42.09% | [ |
原料 | 主要成分含量 | 制备工艺及主要参数 | 评价指标或应用效果 | 文献 |
赤铁矿 | — | (1)酸浸:H2SO4,70℃,20h (2)聚合:引入Al3+,105℃,6h,静置数天 | 黄河水,COD去除率>40%,浊度去除 率>99%;投加量为12mg/L时,与PAC相比,浊度、COD去除率分别提高0.6%和40% | [ |
煤矸石 | A12O3 20.91%,Fe2O3 14.31%,SiO2 42.69% | (1)煅烧:850℃,3h (2)酸浸:H2SO4,铝浸出>80%,铁浸出98.6% (3)聚合:加硫酸铝和硫酸铁,Fe2O3/Al2O3=0.5,加1mol/L Na2CO3,调pH=0.8,80oC,6h (4)熟化24h | 高岭土模拟水样,浊度去除率97.3% | [ |
煤矸石 | — | (1)煅烧:750℃,2h (2)酸浸:5.5mol/L H2SO4,90℃,4h,液固比3∶1 (3)聚合:Fe3++Al3+=0.6mol/L,Fe3+/Al3+= 10∶3,pH=0.8,60℃,7h (4)熟化24h | 洗煤废水:加聚丙稀酰胺,余浊<20NTU(1NTU=1mg/L白陶土悬浮体) | [ |
赤泥 | Al 11.33%,Fe 35.61%,Si 5.16%,O 37.12% | (1)焙烧:550℃,4h (2)二次酸浸:35%H2SO4,90℃,2h,液固比5.5mL/g (3)聚合:用NaOH调pH (4)静置陈化、浓缩、烘干 | 生活污水:去浊率95.4%,TP去除率87.4%,COD去除率82.7%;在最佳投加量下,与PAC、聚合氯化铁相比,浊度去除率分别提高12.4%和13.2%;TP去除率分别提高1.9%和1.5%;与聚合氯化铁相比,COD去除率提高5.9% | [ |
铝土浮选尾矿 | A12O3 43.278%,Fe2O3 10.960%,SiO2 28.265% | (1)焙烧:600℃,3h (2)酸浸:45%H2SO4,100℃,3h,液固比5 (3)聚合:加FeSO4、H2O2,20%NaOH调pH=1,85~90℃,4h | 长江水浊度去除率97.23%;生活废水浊度、悬浮物(SS)和COD去除率分别为94.14%、86.85%和26.95%;焦化废水浊度、色度和COD去除率分别为92.35%、63.79%和42.09% | [ |
原料 | 主要成分含量 | 制备工艺及主要参数 | 应用效果 | 文献 |
粉煤灰 | 物相:莫来石 Si 41.33%,Al 11.71%, Fe 4.63%,O 32.72% | (1)焙烧:加1∶1助溶剂(NaOH∶Na2O2∶B2O3=5∶3∶2(质量比),900℃,30min (2)酸浸:20%HCl,60min,Al3+、Fe3+溶液 (3)碱浸滤渣:20%NaOH,80℃,90min,用HCl调pH=5,得PSi (4)共聚:将Al3+、Fe3+溶液加入PSi,熟化25min | 高岭土模拟水样,浊度去除率95%;湖水,COD去除率72%;印染废水脱色94%;投加量为3mL时,与市售聚硅酸氯化铝铁、PAFC和PAC相比,浊度去除率分别提高13.6%、17.9%和31.4%;与市售聚硅酸氯化铝铁、PAFC和PAC相比,COD去除率分别提高2.9%、20.7%和34.6%;与市售聚硅酸氯化铝铁、PAFC和PAC相比,脱色率分别提高13.8%、21.3%和23% | [ |
粉煤灰 | SiO2 46.87%,A12O3 20.63%,Fe2O3 6.62% | (1)酸浸:4mol/L H2SO4,固液比1∶2,微沸,5h,得Al3+、Fe3+滤液 (2)滤渣:干燥,加0.5mol/L NaOH,固液比 1∶2.5,微沸,4.7h,热水洗涤,得Na2SiO3溶液 (3)聚合:Al3+、Fe3+滤液水解(沸腾,2h)+硅酸钠[50℃,(Al+Fe)/Si=12∶1或16∶1]+4mol/L NaOH (4)老化:50℃,3h | 含油废水:去浊率约95%,COD去除率约50% | [ |
粉煤灰 | 物相:石英、石灰及莫来石 SiO2 55.21%,A12O3 19.15%,Fe2O3 3.646% | (1)焙烧:加NaOH,碱灰比1.2,750℃,1.5h (2)酸溶解,PSi:2mol/L HCl,液固比15mL/g,常温溶解(pH<2),静置15min (3)共聚熟化:加AlCl3和FeCl3,Si/Al=1∶0.9,Si/Fe=1∶0.3,pH=2,80℃,2.5h (4)真空干燥,60℃ | 洗煤废水:COD去除率95.7%、氨氮去除率94.2%、剩余浊度17NTU | [ |
粉煤灰 | SiO2 38.84%,A12O3 23.73%,Fe2O3 5.70% | (1)煅烧,800℃,2h (2)酸浸:20%HCl,105~108℃,得Al3+、Fe3+滤液 (3)滤渣:干燥,加NaOH,得Na2SiO3溶液 (4)PSi:向Na2SiO3溶液中加入2mol/L HCl至pH=4.2,老化20min (5)聚合:Al3+、Fe3+滤液水解(加FeCl3)加入PSi中,Al/Fe=3∶1,(Al+Fe)/Si=13∶1 (6)老化:30℃,10h | 焦化生化出水:色度、COD去除率分别为78%和54.3%,UV254为50.1% | [ |
高炉渣 | SiO2 36.77%,A12O3 8.86%,Fe2O3 0.94% | (1)酸浸:6mol/L H2SO4,60min,Al3+、Fe3+滤液 (2)碱浸滤渣:5.5mol/L NaOH,5min,Na2SiO3溶液 (3)硅酸聚合:加6mol/L H2SO4,pH=1,PSi (4)共聚:将Al3+、Fe3+滤液与PSi混合, (Al+Fe)/Si=0.53,pH=1,60℃熟化0.5h | 焦化废水:浊度去除率98.9%,COD去除率74.5%。投加量为4mL/L时,与PAFC、PFS和焦化废水处理中常用混凝剂M180相比,浊度去除率分别提高21%、25.6%和6.5%;与PAFC、PFS和M180相比,COD去除率分别提高66.7%、63.0%和19.0% | [ |
黄磷炉渣 | SiO2 40.65%,A12O3 2.58%,Fe2O3 0.71% | (1)酸浸:25%HNO3,液固比18∶1,70℃,70min (2)PSi:50℃,90min (3)共聚:先加入Al2(SO4)3,5min后加Fe2(SO4)3,(Al+Fe)/Si=1,Al/Fe=1.5,55℃,80min (3)陈化:55℃,2h后调pH=1~2 | 滇池水:浊度去除率98.93%,COD去除率85.50%,TN(总氮)去除率45.47%,但TP升高65.36% | [ |
秸秆灰渣 | 焦块、渣粉、较细渣粉、细渣粉 SiO2 62.5%~75.5%,A12O3 4.29%~11.90%,Fe2O3 3.85%~4.91% | (1)焙烧:加助溶剂 (2)酸浸:加HCl,得滤液Ⅰ (3)滤渣碱浸:加NaOH,调pH,得滤液Ⅱ (4)Ⅰ+Ⅱ共聚,陈化 | 模拟印染废水:脱色>90%。城市污水:COD去除和脱色>92% | [ |
原料 | 主要成分含量 | 制备工艺及主要参数 | 应用效果 | 文献 |
粉煤灰 | 物相:莫来石 Si 41.33%,Al 11.71%, Fe 4.63%,O 32.72% | (1)焙烧:加1∶1助溶剂(NaOH∶Na2O2∶B2O3=5∶3∶2(质量比),900℃,30min (2)酸浸:20%HCl,60min,Al3+、Fe3+溶液 (3)碱浸滤渣:20%NaOH,80℃,90min,用HCl调pH=5,得PSi (4)共聚:将Al3+、Fe3+溶液加入PSi,熟化25min | 高岭土模拟水样,浊度去除率95%;湖水,COD去除率72%;印染废水脱色94%;投加量为3mL时,与市售聚硅酸氯化铝铁、PAFC和PAC相比,浊度去除率分别提高13.6%、17.9%和31.4%;与市售聚硅酸氯化铝铁、PAFC和PAC相比,COD去除率分别提高2.9%、20.7%和34.6%;与市售聚硅酸氯化铝铁、PAFC和PAC相比,脱色率分别提高13.8%、21.3%和23% | [ |
粉煤灰 | SiO2 46.87%,A12O3 20.63%,Fe2O3 6.62% | (1)酸浸:4mol/L H2SO4,固液比1∶2,微沸,5h,得Al3+、Fe3+滤液 (2)滤渣:干燥,加0.5mol/L NaOH,固液比 1∶2.5,微沸,4.7h,热水洗涤,得Na2SiO3溶液 (3)聚合:Al3+、Fe3+滤液水解(沸腾,2h)+硅酸钠[50℃,(Al+Fe)/Si=12∶1或16∶1]+4mol/L NaOH (4)老化:50℃,3h | 含油废水:去浊率约95%,COD去除率约50% | [ |
粉煤灰 | 物相:石英、石灰及莫来石 SiO2 55.21%,A12O3 19.15%,Fe2O3 3.646% | (1)焙烧:加NaOH,碱灰比1.2,750℃,1.5h (2)酸溶解,PSi:2mol/L HCl,液固比15mL/g,常温溶解(pH<2),静置15min (3)共聚熟化:加AlCl3和FeCl3,Si/Al=1∶0.9,Si/Fe=1∶0.3,pH=2,80℃,2.5h (4)真空干燥,60℃ | 洗煤废水:COD去除率95.7%、氨氮去除率94.2%、剩余浊度17NTU | [ |
粉煤灰 | SiO2 38.84%,A12O3 23.73%,Fe2O3 5.70% | (1)煅烧,800℃,2h (2)酸浸:20%HCl,105~108℃,得Al3+、Fe3+滤液 (3)滤渣:干燥,加NaOH,得Na2SiO3溶液 (4)PSi:向Na2SiO3溶液中加入2mol/L HCl至pH=4.2,老化20min (5)聚合:Al3+、Fe3+滤液水解(加FeCl3)加入PSi中,Al/Fe=3∶1,(Al+Fe)/Si=13∶1 (6)老化:30℃,10h | 焦化生化出水:色度、COD去除率分别为78%和54.3%,UV254为50.1% | [ |
高炉渣 | SiO2 36.77%,A12O3 8.86%,Fe2O3 0.94% | (1)酸浸:6mol/L H2SO4,60min,Al3+、Fe3+滤液 (2)碱浸滤渣:5.5mol/L NaOH,5min,Na2SiO3溶液 (3)硅酸聚合:加6mol/L H2SO4,pH=1,PSi (4)共聚:将Al3+、Fe3+滤液与PSi混合, (Al+Fe)/Si=0.53,pH=1,60℃熟化0.5h | 焦化废水:浊度去除率98.9%,COD去除率74.5%。投加量为4mL/L时,与PAFC、PFS和焦化废水处理中常用混凝剂M180相比,浊度去除率分别提高21%、25.6%和6.5%;与PAFC、PFS和M180相比,COD去除率分别提高66.7%、63.0%和19.0% | [ |
黄磷炉渣 | SiO2 40.65%,A12O3 2.58%,Fe2O3 0.71% | (1)酸浸:25%HNO3,液固比18∶1,70℃,70min (2)PSi:50℃,90min (3)共聚:先加入Al2(SO4)3,5min后加Fe2(SO4)3,(Al+Fe)/Si=1,Al/Fe=1.5,55℃,80min (3)陈化:55℃,2h后调pH=1~2 | 滇池水:浊度去除率98.93%,COD去除率85.50%,TN(总氮)去除率45.47%,但TP升高65.36% | [ |
秸秆灰渣 | 焦块、渣粉、较细渣粉、细渣粉 SiO2 62.5%~75.5%,A12O3 4.29%~11.90%,Fe2O3 3.85%~4.91% | (1)焙烧:加助溶剂 (2)酸浸:加HCl,得滤液Ⅰ (3)滤渣碱浸:加NaOH,调pH,得滤液Ⅱ (4)Ⅰ+Ⅱ共聚,陈化 | 模拟印染废水:脱色>90%。城市污水:COD去除和脱色>92% | [ |
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