Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (3): 1292-1299.DOI: 10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2020-0775
• Chemical processes and equipment • Previous Articles Next Articles
CHEN Hongxia(), LIU Lin, LI Linhan
CHEN Hongxia
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CHEN Hongxia, LIU Lin, LI Linhan. Experimental study of the static air-liquid interface corrosion on copper[J]. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2021, 40(3): 1292-1299.
陈宏霞, 刘霖, 李林涵. 铜基片静态气液界面腐蚀规律的实验[J]. 化工进展, 2021, 40(3): 1292-1299.
c/mol·L-1 | ACu/cm2 | Abubble /cm2 | Abubble /ACu |
0.1 | 4 | 0.6483 | 0.1621 |
0.2 | 4 | 0.5428 | 0.1357 |
0.3 | 4 | 0.7339 | 0.1835 |
0.6 | 4 | 0.8992 | 0.2248 |
0.8 | 4 | 0.6150 | 0.1537 |
0.9 | 4 | 0.6342 | 0.1586 |
c/mol·L-1 | ACu/cm2 | Abubble /cm2 | Abubble /ACu |
0.1 | 4 | 0.6483 | 0.1621 |
0.2 | 4 | 0.5428 | 0.1357 |
0.3 | 4 | 0.7339 | 0.1835 |
0.6 | 4 | 0.8992 | 0.2248 |
0.8 | 4 | 0.6150 | 0.1537 |
0.9 | 4 | 0.6342 | 0.1586 |
c/mol·L-1 | ΔE/V | Iinterface/×10-5A | V/mm·a-1 |
0.1 | 0.0156 | 0.1964 | 2.2911 |
0.2 | 0.0068 | 0.2594 | 3.0260 |
0.3 | 0.0084 | 0.3309 | 3.8601 |
0.6 | 0.0107 | 0.4586 | 5.3498 |
0.8 | 0.0078 | 0.5132 | 5.9867 |
0.9 | 0.0114 | 0.5687 | 6.6341 |
c/mol·L-1 | ΔE/V | Iinterface/×10-5A | V/mm·a-1 |
0.1 | 0.0156 | 0.1964 | 2.2911 |
0.2 | 0.0068 | 0.2594 | 3.0260 |
0.3 | 0.0084 | 0.3309 | 3.8601 |
0.6 | 0.0107 | 0.4586 | 5.3498 |
0.8 | 0.0078 | 0.5132 | 5.9867 |
0.9 | 0.0114 | 0.5687 | 6.6341 |
浓度/mol?L-1 | 有无相界面 | Rs/Ω·cm-2 | Rct /Ω·cm-2 | Cdl/F·cm-2 | β(弥散系数) | Zw/Ω·cm-2 | 方差值 |
0.1 | 含界面 | 4.267 | 13.67 | 2.226×10-8 | 1.002 | 5.747 | 0.00011358 |
无界面 | 4.14 | 14.57 | 2.3001×10-8 | 1.001 | 4.401 | 0.00005130 | |
0.2 | 含界面 | 4.631 | 3.722 | 5.9544×10-8 | 0.98897 | 3.806 | 0.00026404 |
无界面 | 4.57 | 5.379 | 5.4566×10-8 | 0.9853 | 4.232 | 0.00020466 | |
0.3 | 含界面 | 4.426 | 2.831 | 9.6633×10-8 | 0.95495 | 2.503 | 0.00022757 |
无界面 | 4.15 | 2.657 | 8.9033×10-8 | 0.98519 | 2.86 | 0.00032575 |
浓度/mol?L-1 | 有无相界面 | Rs/Ω·cm-2 | Rct /Ω·cm-2 | Cdl/F·cm-2 | β(弥散系数) | Zw/Ω·cm-2 | 方差值 |
0.1 | 含界面 | 4.267 | 13.67 | 2.226×10-8 | 1.002 | 5.747 | 0.00011358 |
无界面 | 4.14 | 14.57 | 2.3001×10-8 | 1.001 | 4.401 | 0.00005130 | |
0.2 | 含界面 | 4.631 | 3.722 | 5.9544×10-8 | 0.98897 | 3.806 | 0.00026404 |
无界面 | 4.57 | 5.379 | 5.4566×10-8 | 0.9853 | 4.232 | 0.00020466 | |
0.3 | 含界面 | 4.426 | 2.831 | 9.6633×10-8 | 0.95495 | 2.503 | 0.00022757 |
无界面 | 4.15 | 2.657 | 8.9033×10-8 | 0.98519 | 2.86 | 0.00032575 |
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