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Butanol production from xylose fermentation in cellulose hydrolysate

LIU Yue,ZHANG Hongwu,CHEN Bo,KANG Xinkai,DU Fengguang   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Motor Vehicle Biofuel Technology,Henan Tian Guan Group Co. Ltd.,Nanyang 473000,Henan,China
  • Online:2013-11-05 Published:2013-11-05


刘 钺,张宏武,陈 波,康新凯,杜风光   

  1. 河南天冠企业集团有限公司车用生物燃料技术国家重点实验室,河南 南阳 473000

Abstract: A strain was obtained by screening with which butanol can be fermented by using cellulose hydrolysate. The microorganism not only could use glucose of cellulose hydrolysate,but also could use xylose of cellulose hydrolysate. The growth characteristics,carbon source,nitrogen source and CaCO3 addition in batch fermentation were studied. High concentration glucose and xylose could not be consumed. The optimal concentration of xylose was 20 g/L in batch fermentation. So the initial concentration of xylose in cellulose hydrolysate was 20 g/L with 15 L fermentation reactor,and then cultured for 84 hours at 37 ℃. The yield of butanol was 10.95 g/L,yield of total solvent 16.78 g/L (acetone,ethanol,and butanol),utilization rate of xylose was 70% and total solvent conversion was 39.4%. The economic loss by failure of utilization of xylose in cellulose hydrolysate fermentation was resolved.

Key words: cellulose hydrolysate, xylose fermentation, acetone-butanol

摘要: 对实验室菌种进行筛选后,得到一株能利用纤维素水解液木糖发酵生产丁醇的菌株。研究发现,该菌株不仅能利用水解液中的葡萄糖,还可以利用水解液中的木糖。对菌种生长特性探索,批式发酵中碳源、氮源以及CaCO3等条件优化后,得到最佳种子培养时间为20~24 h,并确定了木糖浓度为20 g/L的纤维素水解液用于15 L发酵罐实验,在37 ℃静置培养84 h,丁醇产量10.95 g/L,总溶剂16.78 g/L(丙酮、乙醇、丁醇三者之和),木糖利用率达到70%以上,总溶剂转化率为39.4%。解决了纤维素水解液中木糖不能被利用而造成的经济损失问题。

关键词: 纤维素水解液, 木糖发酵, 丙酮丁醇

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